Uh Oh Milo! The Gobbling Goblins | Review

[Ad- gifted product] We’ve previously taken a look at Uh Oh Milo! The Impolite Imps and Uh Oh Milo! The Beastly Bogels and both have been very much enjoyed by the children. The third book in the series is now out, bringing Goblins into the mix! Uh Oh Milo! The Gobbling Goblins have no table manners! Each of the Uh Oh Milo! books take an aspect of bad manners and teach a lesson on how to correct them and why they are bad – perfect books for children who are starting school and should be learning their manners at that time.

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My Fairy Garden Fairy Garden | Toy Review

As the weather improves, we decided to start planting our grass for the My Fairy Garden toy. This innovative toy by Interplay is the first in their line of toys that combines nature and play, allowing children to grow different plants and grass while also having toys and decorations for their miniature land. The process is relatively simple, and it’s a great way to introduce children to gardening and nature.

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Uh Oh Milo! The Beastly Bogels | Review

[Ad- gifted product] After reading Uh Oh Milo! The Impolite Imps, we were excited to see Milo’s next adventure with Beastly Bogels. Uh Oh Milo! The Beastly Bogels has the same two characters as the previous book; Milo and his sister Mary, but this time Bogels are causing many issues for the family. Much like the previous Uh Oh Milo! book, these mythical creatures represent a negative behavior that the children need to learn to fix.

The Beastly Bogels

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Printsfield – silly personalised socks | Review

[Ad- gifted product] Last October Jupiter wrote about the pair of Printsfield socks she’d been sent — they were custom printed with the face of our cat Pancake, and they were – all around – lovely. As a matter of fact, the only complaint was that the material that they were made from at the time lost image quality due to stretching.

Printsfield reached out to let us know that they’d changed the process, moving production to the US, their custom socks were now made from – and they kindly offered to send us another pair in order to show off the new material. No complaints from us, the socks had caused plenty of entertainment (and warm toes) around the house for the family.

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Trouble finding Borax for homemade Slime

Thinking up new craft ideas for the summer, we figured creating some homemade slime would be pretty cool. The kids have never made homemade slime before and were excited to try it. There was only one issue: borax. we don’t know about you, but the only time we ever need borax is when it comes time to create slime. Borax comes in huge qualities, meaning that you’d need to make a lot of slime or store it for ages. We am not a fan of borax and do not use it for washing clothes or anything. So we started doing what any other person on the internet does; Googling for recipes that do not need borax.

It turns out, you can make slime with eye solution! After running out to the shops and picking up eye solution at Tesco’s, some glue , some bicarbonate of soda and food colouring, we figured everything was ready. When the kids came over, we dished out some bowl, divided up the glue and added everything together, allowing them to mix. After quite a bit of mixing, it became clear that instead of slime we’d created some sort of slightly sandy mixture of paint. Confused, we turned back to looking up what went wrong. The blogs we have read are actually US based, where they put – you guessed it! – borax in our eye solution. In the United Kingdom, the eye solution we purchased does not have borax in it, therefore the slime did not work.


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