Joe and Dusty Save The World – Book About a Boy And His Dog

[Ad- gifted product] Robin is a big reader in our household, as it’s one of her main hobbies. She even recently got to read to an anxiety dog at our local library, which really ties in well with Joe and Dusty Save the World – a children’s book all about a young boy with his own anxiety dog to guide him through life. As Robin is at an age where she can read on her own, I gave her the book and let her tell me about it whenever she was done with her daily reading.

Joe and Dusty Save The World

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Building Dens at Parndon Wood Nature Reserve

[Ad- gifted product] Whenever the weather takes a turn for the better, we find ourselves going to our local nature reserve. Parndon Wood Nature Reserve not only has a bunch of seasonal activities, like Forest Bingo, Photography Contests, and Nature Trails filled with stuffed animals to spot, but they always have a few areas that are well set up for people to explore. If you want more of a quiet walk, you can go to one of the many bird-viewing platforms to see some birds dotted about. If you are full of energy (or have children that are full of energy) you might want to check out the den building area.

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Unique Valentines Day Gift Ideas for your boyfriend

Updated on February 1st, 2024, to add more gifts to the guide

[Ad- gifted products] With Valentine’s day just around the corner, you might be struggling to find the perfect gift for your boyfriend. He might not be into ties or some cheesy whiskey set, so you might be struggling with ideas and finding something that’s a good fit. For Valentine’s Day, you probably don’t want to pick something too expensive, but at the same time, don’t want something disappointing – so I have compiled this Gift Guide of unique Valentine’s day gifts which are not found on the average list!

Machrie Men’s Eau de Toilette

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Playing Squid Game in the Immersive Gamebox

[Ad- gifted experience] Earlier in the year, I was invited to the Immersive Gamebox to check out Squid Game. Squid Game at the Immersive Gamebox is based on the Netflix TV show of the same name, with a few of the classic mini-games from the TV series made into a fully immersive video game. This game allows two to six players to spend an hour in the world of Squid Game, with a variety of different challenges to take on. I was able to play in two player mode when I attended.

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Lunch at Yuce’s Mediterranean Restaurant

We had a special lunch date with Robin, as she didn’t have school and her siblings did. These sorts of days are so special – one on one time is rare with such a big, adventurous family. When we asked Robin where she wanted to go, she wanted to try out Yuce’s, as it looks so fancy from the outside and she had never been. Dann and I had gone a couple of times, and were excited to try new food with her. Yuce’s is a Mediterranean Restaurant that has a nightclub above it. They have an expansive cocktail menu, and some great lunch deals as well.


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