Visiting a Sunflower Field at Foxes Farm

Dann and I always go to the Lavender Field to take cute pictures, each and every year, so when I was advertised a sunflower field at Foxes Farm, I knew we were going! We have actually not been to Foxes Farm previously, though they do have a pumpkin patch and we have visited a lot of pumpkin patches over the last few years. But, focusing on the Sunflower Field!

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Back to School Giveaway 2023

The summer is nearly over, so after a packed holiday of vacations, days out, and keeping the kids entertained, it’s now time to look at your budget for back to school shopping. For our household, back to school shopping is always an expensive list of things, so we have teamed up with a bunch of other bloggers so that we can give away, to hopefully help your bank balance! You should check out some of these other bloggers and see what content they make!

With only a couple of weeks left until the start of the new school year, some of the top UK bloggers have come together to offer one lucky winner an amazing bundle of prizes to send their kids back to school in style. This is not only a giveaway but also a great Back to School Guide to help you get ideas and inspiration for your kid’s new school year.

The Prizes

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Phlat Ball is a combination of a frisbee and a ball!

[Ad- gifted product] The Phlat Ball is a really interesting outdoor toy, that combines both the concept of a frisbee and a ball. You are able to squish the ball down flat, creating a thick frisbee, to throw around. In the air, it turns into a ball, which is easier to catch at the other end! We’ve played with the Phlat Ball both in our own back yard and at the beach, as it’s a really neat toy!

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A Day Out at Quince Honey Farm

While on vacation at Woolacombe Bay again this year, we decided to check out some local areas and ended up going to Quince Honey Farm! We’ve never been to a honey farm before, and felt this would be a really unique, fun day out that felt very new for us all! Quince Honey Farm is a local honey farm that has loads of flowers planed specifically for bees, bee hives, bee keepers, honey tasting, a honey factory, candle making, soft play and a lovely cafe. There is actually a lot to do here, with different events every few hours for you to participate in.

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Creating a fun, kid-friendly backyard

[Ad- gifted products] We have had quite a saga with our backyard. In our previous rental house, we wanted to level the backyard to add a trampoline, and when we offered to pay the price to get it leveled, our landlord let us know they were selling our house. We did end up moving and finding a new house we loved, but we didn’t touch the backyard at first, as it felt like some sort of cursed area. This year, we have spent a lot of time creating the perfect backyard and it’s finally done! As a parent, I always want to balance how I want things to look and how fun they are for our children to experience, so we divided our backyard.

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