Entertaining Little Ones on a Rainy Day with Wicked Uncle

[Ad- gifted products] The springtime in the United Kingdom is a mix of sunny days and rainy days, seemingly at random. We are a big adventure family, so as soon as parks make sense to go too, we do spend a lot of time outdoors. With that said, whenever it rains, we do have times indoors. Robin, the most adventurous of us, is one that is hard to entertain when it comes to sticking inside. Unlike her older siblings, she isn’t one to sit in front of the Xbox or a computer for very long, so we tend to have a few toys on hand for her to play around with! Wicked Uncle has so many great options, sorted by age, but here are two toys we love to play with on rainy days!

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A Day Out at The Book of Will at the Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch

[Ad- gifted experience] We are back at the Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch for another wonderful performance. The Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch is a really wonderful venue – our current favorite. We got a few drinks at the bar, which has on the tap cocktails, and then settled into our seats for The Book of Will. The Book of Will is a love letter to Shakespeare, showcasing a group of the King’s Men and their wives, who are looking to preserve as many as William’s plays as they possibly can.

Photo by Pamela Raith

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Getting Creative with BloPens Fantasy Set

[Ad- gifted product] When I was a child, I have a distinct memory of saving up money to get my own set of BloPens, from a TV infomercial. I wasn’t actually 18 years or older, so couldn’t purchase it in the end – but now I can live vicariously through our children, who have had a couple of different BloPens sets in their lives! Currently, Robin and Amelia have been enjoying the BloPens Fantasy Set.

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A Day Out at The Lost Spells at the Polka Theatre

[Ad- gifted experience] Once again, we found ourselves at The Polka Theatre – a lovely, child focused theatre with a large play area. This play area has dress up, building block area, books to read, coloring and a café, making it a really nice place to bring those who are younger! We do love playing in the play area of this theatre, but as I have previously spoken highly of the wonderful play area, we are going to dive right into the play that we’ve seen this time; The Lost Spells.

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Eating at the Rollercoaster Restaurant

While staying at Alton Towers, we wanted to check out the Rollercoaster Restaurant – a place where you can eat, but your food is delivered on a rollercoaster. This is a pretty unique gimmick, listing it as being the only place that does this, so we didn’t want to miss out on the chance to eat there. It is worth noting that you do need to book well in advance, and a lot of people are actually there celebrating their Birthday, which involves the entire restaurant having Happy Birthday play over the speakers during the meal. This happened like 7 times while we were there, which was wild.

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