What is CBD Honey and the benefits of CBD Raw Honey?

CBD is appearing in more and more products, but people still seem to be curious about what CBD does, what benefits it has, and how CBD works in various products. Honey is something that has amazing benefits for those who eat it, and bees are so important when it comes to our world. So, it’s only natural that companies like Haughton Honey have expanded their honey to accommodate CBD. This raw honey is a few steps away from the squeezable honey you may have had from your local shop before. Instead, it’s a less sweeten, pure honey that was created by passionate bee farmers, who wanted to add a unique twist to their honey, without adding anything unnatural. And they opted with CBD.

When it comes to honey, there are also a number of benefits, apart from honey being a natural sweetener, it has a load of different minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins. You might know some of the more simple benefits of honey from drinking honey in hot water as a child, to hope with a sore throat – but honey can also be used in skincare to help with inflammations or dry skin. Honey is something that has always been around, as a home remedy, due to the amount of benefits there are in honey itself.

If you’re interested in trying out CBD honey, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable brand. Everyday Delta, for example, is known for producing high-quality CBD products with full transparency about their ingredients and manufacturing process. It’s important to make sure you’re getting a product that’s safe and effective, especially if you’re using it for medicinal purposes. CBD honey can be a great addition to your wellness routine, but it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before trying a new supplement.

CBD might seem like a scary accuronim, but it actually stands for Cannabidiol, which is a perfectly legal compound which contains less than 3 percent of THC, the narcotic. CBD is added to their honey to provide a wealth of benefits to the product itself, enhancing the benefits of honey on it’s own. CBD always has had a bit of a bad wrap, but the oil itself is natural, something that is created from plants, and research shows that CBD can actually help with a variety of different aliments – allowing people to sleep better, manage pain, help with arthritis, migraines, inflammations in your body and much more. This is done because CBD oil has shown that it can interact with the cannabis-like receptors in your regulatory system, without actually causing-side effects. The full realm of how CBD affects our bodies is still being researched, but scientists have agreed that it does encourage the body to produce endocannabinoids, which can help in a number of ways.

If you are a CBD user, you might have taken CBD in drops or in sprays, which isn’t the most tasty thing, nor is it as efficient as in honey.

CBD, as a treatment for long term symptoms, is obviously something you should talk about with your doctor about. I have found, personally, that CBD has helped with my sleep and with headaches previously. You won’t be able to taste CBD too much in foods and products, as it is a small percentage of the final product – and it’s not something that can get you high or make you fail a drug test. Haughton Honey actually has an extensive section of their website, which is aimed at answering any questions you might have about the CBD in their honey, the honey itself, and displays their CBD certification for peace of mind when it comes to buying from them. If you want to deep dive into all aspects of CBD and honey, this is the place for you. Along with that very informational area, there are tons of delicious recipes, in both the savory and sweet categories, that you can use your CBD honey or regularly honey in.

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12 thoughts on “What is CBD Honey and the benefits of CBD Raw Honey?

  1. Rhian Westbury says:

    I’ve heard of CBD being infused in things, but I’ve never heard about it in honey too, I bet this is a nice combination with the sweetness of honey x

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