Watermelon Splash and Key Lime Pie Tea from Bird & Blend Tea Co | Review

When we were out in Tower Bridge, we came across the Bird & Tea Co. They had a bunch of different, unique flavors that are every-changing as their menu grows and changes. We picked two flavors of their loose leaf tea: Key Like Pie and Watermelon Splash. It’s been a while since we have been out in Tower Bridge, but I wanted to share our experiences with these unique teas! Our household isn’t a hugely into traditional tea, but we love having little tea parties with small snacks and various fruity teas!

Watermelon Splash

Bird & Blend Tea Co

The Watermelon Splash tea blend is primarily Chinese green and white tea, with melon and fruit notes coming from dried apple, hibiscus, rosehip, coconut, pineapple, lemongrass, lemon peal, and natural flavoring. It’s a great tea to have warm if you want something fruity, but is even better served cold over ice in the summertime! It’s super refreshing and turns a nice shade of pink. I really wasn’t sure if this would taste like watermelon, but it does remind me of sunshine!

Key Lime Pie

Key lime pie is Dann’s favorite dessert and one of my favorites too. A key lime pie tea is something we just had to have! This tea has roolbos, apple pieces, lime leaves, lime peel, rosehip, orange peal and natural flavors. The lime, probably due to the lime leaves and peels, comes through super well in this tea! It’s so lime flavored – I was pleasantly surprised. The tea turns a lovely mint green, which is super cute, and we really enjoy this one warm and toasty!

Bird & Blend Tea Co

Both of these teas are such nice in quality, you can pick out the different leaves, fruits, and peals within the bag and see exactly what you are going to be drinking! Bird & Blend Tea Co allows you to smell and see the tea leaves before you buy in store, which allows for a very nice experience. Each of the bags or pots of tea come with directions which tell you how much tea leaves you need, how many minutes it needs to steep, the temperature, and if you can add milk! This is very helpful for us, as we don’t often have tea.

You can find these teas as well as many more on the Bird & Blend Tea Co website.

Check out our other reviews.

18 thoughts on “Watermelon Splash and Key Lime Pie Tea from Bird & Blend Tea Co | Review

  1. Simona says:

    OMG these sound both dreamy! I would have to pick the Key Lime Pie one based on the fact that it has Roiboos in and it’s one of my favourite teas ever!

  2. Unwanted Life says:

    I don’t love the flavour ‘watermelon’ but I’ve never had anything that tastes like key lime pie, I guess that’s something you don’t normally get in the UK. Do these teas have caffeine in them?

  3. Jaya Avendel says:

    I love drinking a daily cup of herbal, black, or green tea, but I have never had nor heard of white tea before, so the Watermelon splash intrigues me!
    Thanks for sharing. <3

  4. Sophie says:

    Such unique flavours! They both sound delicious but I need to try the key lime. The instructions they come with sound great too, it’s good that they tell you what’s best for each specific blend x

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