The Bear Can Read Koala Box for April | Review

That Bear Can Read

We always try to subscribe to new month boxes, switching them out when things get a bit boring with one box or when interests change. Previously, we have done nature boxes for Robin, but with her growing interest in reading (and the constant demand for new books in her reading level) we decided to take a look into what reading-related boxes where out there. After checking over lots of them, we settled with The Bear Can Read, in the Koala section for her age.

Following England’s curriculum, each month this box delivers a bunch of different reading material – three books, a few flashcards, six worksheets on three different sounds, a sticker reading chart, and some little treats. The main perk from this box, for our house, is the books that come with it. These books focus around the sounds and letter of the month, which can really help with confidence, as they are learning these sounds and letters right before reading them.

Our first box contained three bug club related books – Snails, which is a book all about snails with realistic pictures, Animal Crackers, which was a book about all different animals in a cartoon style, with animals doing fun stuff like covering themselves in glow paint, and Pompom Pets, which was an instructional craft book, walking children through the process of creating pets out of yarn and felt. These books did follow the letters and sounds that were featured in this month’s box, and were great to do after the activaty sheets! Once she finished a book, she put a sticker on the reading tracker, and happily showed the sheet to everyone, too, proud of her work.

The activity sheets for each different sound came in two sets, one that introduced the new sound and another that acted as further practice. Though all the sheets were similar, they had different activities on them – sometimes having Robin write out the whole word, sometimes writing out parts of words, and one had her making up pretend names! She really enjoyed practicing her reading and writing – as she grew confident with the sounds, she got more excited to find the words that had the same sound. The backs of each of these sheets are also quite clever – The Bear Can Read have made spaces for drawing or writing, which is always fun!

Along with the main learning sheets, there were a further two fun sheets, which contained a connect the dots coloring sheet and a short puzzle that had lots of cars to color Robin found these to be fun and enjoyed her time coloring and getting to see the bears that are heavily featured. The flash cards that also came with the set include two site words, which she has been practicing, and cards that have the various sounds she has practiced in the kit – which work well to remind her of what she has learned and to continue practice. Once we had finished the entire box, we had her bonus treat – a cherry pie children tea. This tea has no added sugar and no caffeine and is made for kids. She felt pretty special trying hers out.

The Bear Can Read is a box that grows with children, increasing as their reading level increases, so hopefully she will continue to be interested in reading and we can continue to grow and learn together.

Check out our other reviews.

6 thoughts on “The Bear Can Read Koala Box for April | Review

  1. Amanda says:

    Awesome review! These look so fun and educational! I’ll have to try them out when my sons a little older. Thanks for sharing!

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