A Guide to Buying Gemstones for Your Wedding Ring Based on What They Symbolize

Throughout history, people have attributed different charms, powers, or meanings to different gemstones. Many of these associations came from ancient Greek or Egyptian mythologies. Some came from religious beliefs and books like the Bible. 

People buy gemstones for their wedding rings when the stones look pretty and appealing. However, many of you prefer buying them based on what they symbolize. So, to help you out, we’ll look at a few beautiful gemstones and what they symbolize. You can then decide which one/s you want for your wedding ring.


People associate sapphires with royalty. Princess Diana had a sapphire wedding ring. Currently, her family members have it, who are also British Royals. Sapphire itself is not a representation of royalty, however. The color blue represents royalty; sapphire is just a part of that representation, and so are blue diamonds. 

People believe that sapphires attract blessings. People who wear sapphires achieve spiritual clarity if they invite and accommodate it properly. Sapphires also promote good health and guard the individual’s innocence. 


According to ancient Hinduism, people would offer rubies to the god Krishna. They believed that these offerings would attain them king or emperor-like status in their next life. Some went as far as believing that the offerings would make them kings themselves. 

These thoughts were more prevalent in India and Burma. However, Europeans were more focused on the spiritual side of things.

According to Europeans, rubies guaranteed good health, wisdom, wealth, and success in love. That’s why you’ll see so many ruby wedding rings around you. The bright red color symbolizes all the best things one can have in married life.

Blue Diamond

Blue diamonds represent peace, truth, and devotion. They symbolize eternity. A blue diamond wedding ring will shower your marriage with all those vital qualities. 

Blue diamonds are also beautiful. The blue color comes courtesy of boron impurities. These diamonds are rare and can be very expensive too. You can visit this link to have all your blue diamonds questions answered by the experts. We only talked about the spiritual takeaways from these stones. The experts will mostly talk you through the physical and value-based aspects.


Legends say that emeralds can protect against evil spells and even cure diseases. While your marriage may not need cures for diseases, it sure can use some protection against spells. That’s why people who believe in such symbolism opt for emeralds. For them, protection from such evil spells is all they need to enjoy a happy married life.

In many parts of the world, emeralds also represent truth and love. This theory comes from ancient Greece and Rome, where emeralds were synonymous with Venus, the goddess of love and hope. 

Black Diamond

Black diamonds are all about power, passion, and charisma. These diamonds will represent the power of love and your passion for your partner on your wedding ring. 

Black diamonds also represent purity, love, and eternity. Like most other colored diamonds, their color comes from impurities. However, those impurities only add new meaning to the symbolism these diamonds hold.


A pearl wedding ring represents purity. It symbolizes the purest form of love and affection that you and your partner have for each other. Pearls also protect the relationship or marriage from catastrophes. This belief comes from ancient China, where people believed that pearls could protect against fire.

In modern times, people associate pearls with innocence. 


Opals symbolize love and hope. Europeans further believed that they symbolized purity and truth. These qualities make opals very demanding gemstones for wedding rings. 

Besides, opal is a very beautiful gemstone. Its appeal is nothing short of diamonds and sapphires. Even if not for the appeal, people opt for opal wedding rings mostly for their spiritual value and symbolism.


Aquamarine wedding rings symbolize courage and mental clarity. Such wedding rings provide the couple with the strength and mental abilities they need to push through in the marriage. As such commitments can be hard to navigate through, aquamarine gemstones will guide them through it.

Now that you know what the stones represent and symbolize, which one will you pick for your wedding ring? All of these stones are not only beautiful but also symbolize something important. Thus, whichever one you choose, you won’t regret it.  You’ve made all of your wedding beauty preparations, now it’s time to find a ring!

Check out some of our other tips.

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