Jupiter really loves deer. She grew up in a small town that had a lot of deer, deer hunting, and often just wild deer wandering about. As we have been going on more creative date nights, due to most things being shut, I surprised her with a trip to Weald Country Park – which ended up being so popular, that we went back with the kids. This time of year is when all of the deer are out, making it a perfect wintertime activity. Weald Country Park is free to enter – although if you park nearby you’ll need to pay for the car park – and contains a few different park areas, trails, a pond, deer and a cafe.
November’s Pretty Suds box was Christmas themed – perfect for this time of year! After last month’s box of Halloween ones, I was pretty excited to get Christmas themed bath bombs, despite purchasing some from Lush already. I find that nice, warm baths in the winter can be so relaxing and such a good way to unwind, especially as the nights get colder and the days get shorter. The theme for November was Santa’s Workshop, which is truly perfect. Each box comes with five different bombs.
When it comes to Christmastime, there are so many different Christmas movies and TV series. A lot of them are too cheesy and too terrible for me to enjoy, if I am honest! I have spent some time over the last month watching nearly everything on Netflix that I can get my hands on, and I have put together a list of my favorite series, that do have a wintertime twist, that you can currently watch on Netflix right now!
[Ad- gifted product] When Tru Bamboo introduced us to the Tru Bamboo Tumbler, we were excited to see how it could upgrade our hot chocolate. This tumbler has a separate tea strainer, which you can fill with tea leaves, and screw shut, placing it into the tumbler where it fits tightly into the top portion of the bottle. From there, you could fill the tumbler up with hot water to have your tea brew. Now, in the wintertime, I am all for hot chocolate – not so much tea – so we used this cool tea strainer bit to infuse the hot chocolate in the tumbler with our own flavors! Milka Oreo Alpine Milk ChocolateWhen Tru Bamboo introduced us to the Tru Bamboo Tumbler, we were excited to see how it could upgrade our hot chocolate. This tumbler has a separate tea strainer, which you can fill with tea leaves, and screw shut, placing it into the tumbler where it fits tightly into the top portion of the bottle. From there, you could fill the tumbler up with hot water to have your tea brew. Now, in the wintertime, I am all for hot chocolate – not so much tea – so we used this cool tea strainer bit to infuse the hot chocolate in the tumbler with our own flavors!
[Ad- gifted product] Covid-19, and various other things, have made 2020 a bit of a rollercoaster when it comes to maintaining traditions. Over the last couple of year’s we’ve always made an effort to get the children along to see Santa for Christmas when we can, but what with lockdown, quarantine and more, we’ve not been able to get the children along to see him this year. Thankfully, there seems to almost always be a digital solution available for such things, and so this year – through Wonder Adventures – we still managed to get the kids a chance to chat to the big red fella, and it was fantastic.