Scrumbles Cat Advent Calendar | Review

Did you know they make cat advent calendars? Well, as an American living in the UK, I always forget about calendars. They just aren’t something I’ve ever had before – and as I am not a fan of chocolate – I haven’t been too interested in them before. Now that we have a little furbaby, it’s exciting to get him new treats to try! Scrumbles offers both cat and dog advent calendars – so we figured we’d see how Pancake enjoyed this calendar!

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Pumpkin Cat Treats | Recipe

It’s Halloween and that means everything is pumpkin! I felt that it would be cool if Pancake took part in some of the Halloween festivities. With this in mind, we went down the route of Pumpkin Cat Treats! Pumpkin is pretty good for furry friends, being a good source of fiber, Vitamin C, E and A, as well as great for preventing hairballs. Making your own treats is a very easy thing to do – not only will you know exactly what your furry friend is eating, you will also have control over how much!

Pumpkin Cat Treats

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The best Webbox Treats for Cats | Review

[Ad- gifted product] Pancake loves treats! He’s a pretty spoiled cat, so treats are apart of his weekly life, getting rewarded for being a cute, adorable little cat. There are a variety of different treats out there for cats from biscuits to sticks to jellies that cats just love to lick up! We took a look at all of the different Weebox Treats and decided to talk about how much Pancake and I love them.

Webbox Tasty Sticks

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Herbie’s Water Fountain for Cats | Review

[Ad- gifted product] I’ve been told time and time again that moving water is good for cats! Pancake always is swatting at his water and drinking from the tap, so when we saw Herbie’s Water Fountain for Cats, we figured this was great for our moving water drinking cat. We really like the look of the flower and the glow of the tank – there is a lot of positives to having a fountain as appose to just a water bowl.

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Vivacats Birthday Box | Review

If you read my previous review of last month’s Vivacats box, you are probably weren’t expecting another. I felt these boxes weren’t worth the price tag, but as it turns out, I received my Vivacats box the day after the last day you cancel by, so they charged me and sent me another box. Now, unsubscribing to Vivacats has been a whole ordeal. You have to email them – but they never replied to me. Another week went by, no reply. I reached out on Facebook Messager and was told that they had over 900 emails, so they couldn’t get to mine right now. As it got close to charging time for the 3rd box, I messaged again and the conversation went in circles where they asked for my email, I provided it, they didn’t reply for hours, I asked if I was unsubscribed, they asked for my email, I then replied with it (again), they didn’t reply… Eventually, after another week, they finally confirmed I was, in fact, unsubscribed, so this will be my final box – I feel! Anyway, let’s get into the box.

This month’s theme is Birthday, which has a few mystery items within it. I have the UK box – as different countries have various different items inside their box. There was an item I didn’t receive as well as some opinions on ‘surprise’ snacks, but we will get into that.

Vivacats Spider Ball


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