Robin is a big fan of reading and libraries! Our local library in the main town does a lot of different events throughout the year; reading challenges, read-a-longs, and even reading to a dog! Reading to a dog is not something I had ever heard of before, so when Robin read a sign about the program and was super interested in it, we decided to book it up.
Category: Books
Tom Gates: Happy to Help (eventually) new book and clothing line
[Ad- gifted product] World Book Day is right around the corner, so it’s a great time to get your child into reading and find new books for them to read! Robin always gleefully announces her favourite hobby is reading, so getting her new books is something we are constantly doing. As she is six turning seven this year, she is in a weird place where she wants to read chapter books, but if they don’t have any sort of drawings, she gets bored with them quickly! The series of Tom Gates books are perfect for her, as they have little drawings on each page, funny fonts, and are just very engaging!
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The Untold Story of Father Christmas is a lovely Christmas tale
[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to the story of Father Christmas, there are quite a few out there, with many reasons to believe in Father Christmas and many answers on how he is able to deliver so many toys to children all over the world, in just one night. The Untold Story of Father Christmas gives more of a background on Father Christmas himself, why he is called Father Christmas, and his motivations, as well as how he ended up with elves to help him in his creation of toys.
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Factopia fills a child with curious knowledge
[Ad- gifted product] I feel like every child goes through a phase of wanting to know everything and trying to find facts they can memorise so that they can then show it off to their friends. This sort of curiosity is one that often leads to lots of questions being asked. Not everything children read on the internet is true, and it’s often hard to go from one place to another, so when I saw Factopia, I felt that it was a good alternative which connects a bunch of different facts together in a way that makes them easier to understand.

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Granny Franny’s Big Seaside Adventure | Book Review
[Ad- gifted product] Granny Franny is back on another adventure! After reading Granny Franny’s Big Red Bus and Granny Franny’s Big Zoo Rescue, Robin was very excited for Granny Franny’s Seaside Adventure – especially as we had just had our own adventure to the seaside, for the summer holiday. Robin has grown quite a bit since our previous adventures with Granny Franny, and can now read the books entirely on her own, out loud, which has been a joy to see!

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