Shakespeare Shake-Up (Ted and His Time Travelling Toilet) Book Review

*AD – the item in this review was gifted to our household for this post. All opinions, as always, are our own.

If you frequent the blog, you will know that Kai is a big fan of Horrible Histories. Because of this, we have all of the Horrible History books there is, and he’s read them all. In looking to find new books for him to enjoy, we found Ted and His Time Travelling Toilet; Shakespeare Shake-Up, a book that feels like it’s in the same vane as Horrible History; an educational book that has funny (for tweens) humour, an interesting to follow story, and some history thrown into the book!

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Learning about cultures with Jump Up! A Story of Carnival

*AD – the item in this review was gifted to our household for this post. All opinions, as always, are our own.

When it comes to reading bedtime stories to the children each night, we love to pick up new books to keep things fresh. More and more, we have been focused on adding in books that depict other cultures and other people. Learning about various cultures and understanding that there are different people that all have different beliefs and upbringings is really important in our home. The George Padmore Institute is doing a wonderful job publishing children’s books and reading material that fill the void that the 2020 Black Lives Matter campaign highlighted was needed. Dream to Change the World was the first in this series of new publications, with Jump Up! A Story of Carnival being the second.

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Minecraft: The Haven Trials is an emotional story

*AD – the item in this review was gifted to our household for this post. All opinions, as always, are our own.

Minecraft has been a favorite game in our home for quite some time. At one point, the eldest had a Minecraft themed room, complete with a DIY Minecraft Dresser, and had a Minecraft themed party as well. When it comes to official Minecraft Books, Kai has a grand collection. He has a book of Minecraft Maps, all of the encyclopaedias, many survival guides, and a few unofficial stories that he enjoys dipping into. Minecraft: The Haven Trials is a new, official Minecraft Adventure Story, that takes you into the world of Minecraft, following Cece, who is dealing with a lot of the same stuff Kai is dealing with at his game.

Minecraft: The Haven Trials

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A Knock Knock Joke A Day | Book Review

*AD – the item in this review was gifted to our household for this post. All opinions, as always, are our own.

Daddilife Books, a group of bloggers and writers who happen to be dads, have released another book! Much like their A Joke a Day book, this book also is all about jokes; A Knock Knock Joke a Day, contains a knock knock joke specifically to tell, each and every day of the year (including leap years), that are dad approved and will get our family to at the very least groan at you. Knock Knock Jokes are a whole joke type on their own – one that everyone knowns. This book of jokes are all family friendly, and having one a day starts your day off right.

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Top 7 Winter Bedtime Stores for Children

*AD – the item in this post was previously gifted to our household. All opinions, as always, are our own. Updated on December 16th, new books added.

Bedtime stories are always a big part of our household. Dann and myself are on the lookout for new stories to add to our library, which has been building up and up over the months. We love finding new books that fit different seasons or have various characters that are recognizable – or are just unique to our collection. Since bedtime stories get read every single night before bed, it’s good to refresh your collection and add some books that are seasonally appropriate and fun to read! Let’s get into these books

The Christmas Snowflake

This book is a new addition to our collection. The Christmas Snowflake is a book that you can personalize by adding the names of your family members to the book – where they will appear in small details in the graphics and as apart of the snowflake itself. I absolutely love books that are like this, as they feel magical and unique to our family – a book that really belongs to everyone listening to the story being read. The Christmas Snowflake is a story about a little winter snowflake who is looking for a place to call their own. This snowflake travels all around the world, playing with loads of winter animals, before finding a home inside the household of the people who currently have the book. This snowflake is so beautiful and the story is very fun.

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