Stretch Star Wars – Fun to fidget and stretch!

[Ad- gifted products] Our house hold has a lot of fidget toys that are meant to feel fun to play around with. It’s just something that seems to have gained more popularity as time has gone by. Stretch figures, however, have been around since I was a child. Now, there are Stretch figures of a bunch of different people, including Star Wars characters! We got our hands on the large Stretch Darth Vader and mini Stretch Storm Trooper.

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SpyBots Robots – Security Robots for your Room

[Ad- gifted product] We have previously used a lot of spy kits on our blog, because being a spy is a phase every child seems to go through. As Kai has gotten older, he has become more interested int eh concept of spies. Being sneaky, spying, and solving some sort of mystery is something he quite enjoys. When he saw the SpyBots on TV, through advertisements, he was super interested in getting them!

SpyBots Robots

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Millie & Friends Mouse in the House Toyset

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to toys, I feel like new concepts are being created and worked on each day. Millie & Friends Mouse in the House is a whole new idea, that brings together decorating your room with adding some toy sets around it, which can make for a really interesting concept for little ones! In Robin’s room, we have a bunch of fairy doors around the edges, which she sometimes plays with, pretending fairies are there – so the idea of having a whole playset meant to go around your room is pretty neat!

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New Essentials from Yours Clothing

[Ad- gifted products] As rainy and cold autumn hits, it always feels like a good time to get some new clothing to go with the season, and to pack away things that are reserved for just the summer. Yours Clothing always has a big selection of essentials, changed for every season, that work well at complimenting what I already have dug out for the warmer seasons! Yours Clothing is a plus-sized clothing brand that has lots of cute and fashionable items for those who might not find a lot of options in their size at physical stores – I know I struggle with that from time to time!

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Funkin Nitro Cocktails – simple and fun

[Ad- gifted products] When it comes to at home cocktails, it can be quite the endeavour to actually sit down and mix your own drinks. In the evenings, after a long day of work and housework, it’s just something that we don’t often want to do when unwinding. Dann has always been lucky in the sense that he loves beer – of which there are a plenty of verities and types for him to have. I’m a cocktail person though, so looking for a nice, at home cocktail is often a challenge. One of my favoriute brands, however, is Funkin Nitro Cocktails!

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