Lite Brite Classic is back along with the Lite Brite Mini | Review

[Ad- gifted product] Much like Moon Shoes, I remember having a Lite Brite in my household. My sister and I would share it, often destroying each other’s perfectly crafted light art to make something new, plugging in the little pegs ourselves and watching it light up. In my head, they were bulkier, and much more of a challenge when it came to putting in the little pegs, but seems to be related to me being much smaller and having tiny fingers! I was pretty excited to introduce Amelia and Robin to Lite Brite as we felt they’d like it best. And, in the words of Robin, the Lite Brite has a baby!

Lite Brite Classic

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The Somerset Toiletry Company Verbena Collection | Review

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to bathroom products like soaps and hand wash, it’s much better to know exactly what is going into the product, to understand what is going into your skin and influencing your body. The Somerset Toiletry Company provides luxurious products, while also being honest about the ingredients that are in these products. They aim to use natural extracts and have lines that are completely paraben and SLS free. All of their items are in-house tested, and are free from animal cruelty, so much so, that they do not sell into China as they do not want to risk any animal cruelty as a result. To top things off, their brand is inspired by their British heritage, coming from the beautiful countryside, where their head office is located.

The Somerset Toiletry Company has a huge collection of Verbena scented products, as apart of their Naturally European collection – which is completely paraben and SLS free, as previously mentioned. I got the chance to check out three items from this selection to see what our household thought of them! Now, if you don’t know what verbena smells like, it’s more of a grassy, lemon smell – feeling natural instead of like cleaning liquid that is lemon scented. It’s a lovely smell that isn’t too overwhelming.

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Dream Seekers – Rag doll styled fairy toy | Review

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to dolls, both Robin and Amelia enjoy playing pretend. Combine a doll with a cuddly toy that they can take to bed, and you’ve got a home run. Dream Seekers are rag doll styled dolls with realistic faces and really lovely styles. There are three dolls in the Dream Seerkers set at the moment, and we got the chance to take a look at Hope, the beautiful, rainbow fairy doll.

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Little Cooks Co Baking Box for April

April has flown by, and during the month, we had our first Little Cooks Co box! This box was picked by Amelia, for her monthly subscription. Robin, as previously mentioned, picked a learning and reading box as she is practicing reading. Amelia wanted to hone in on her cooking skills and work on new recipes, which is really excited for all of us as we get to eat them! When we signed her up for Little Cooks Co, we didn’t realize just how much would be in the box!

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Helping children sleep through the night with My Magic Pyjamas | Review

[Ad- gifted product] When we first discovered Sockie Stars, we fell in love. These little socks are always on Robin’s feet – complete with the capes and all. When we found that the same company had a book and a Pyjamas set, called My Magic Pyjamas, I knew Robin would be delighted to have them. These magic pyjamas are meant to help young children stay asleep throughout the night, without any fears or nightmares haunting them.

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