Harlow Chinese School – Hot Pot Party

When it comes to cooking at the Harlow Chinese School, a lot of the prep work is already done for us. This is totally okay with me, as I am more than happy to primarily do the eating! with the first course of the New Year, Sun Yong wanted to do something a bit different, and prepare a Hot Pot Party. This was more of a big social event, where we were just cooking out own Hot Pot and talking with each other. Honestly, it felt like a great community activity and a lovely way to start off the New Year without any sort of pressure.

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Spending a few days at Ercilla de Bilbao

[Ad- gifted experience] When it comes to staying in a hotel, you’ll want to make sure somewhere that is enjoyable. Ercilla de Bilbao is a fantastic choice, right in the center of Bilbao. From the moment we went towards the entrance, which is set down, as if walking into some underground sanctuary. The staff at the entrance was very welcoming, quickly checking in everyone (as a bunch of us had arrived at the same time). If you have a lot of luggage, they are happy to bring it right to your room!

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Exploring Flatford for Lunch

[Ad- gifted experience] The world seems to be defrosting, cold mornings are no longer here, and birds have started to come out in full force! With the opening of Flatford’s tea room, Dann and I decided to check out this National Trust site to see how it defrosted along with the rest of the world. We have not previously been to Flatford before and were curious as there were a lot of things to see there.

River Stour

Flatford has a beautiful river you can walk along or go over, called River Stour. It had been raining lately when we went, so the river itself was absolutely gushing, which was very fun to walk along and see. They have a few locks along the river, along with benches to sit and bird watch on it. The field around the river had some flooding, so a lot of the ducks and geese had been exploring this new pond of theirs, but there were plenty of wildlife around. It’s actually a fantastic place to go bird watching!

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Seeing Illusions at the Paradox Museum

I’ve been seeing the Paradox Museum advertised for quite some time, but wasn’t sure if it was actually worth all of the hype. Looking to do something completely new at the weekend, we finally decided to go. The Paradox Museum has several locations, but we went off to the London branch, which is relatively easy to get too. The Paradox Museum is full of different optical illusions, which have various points on where you could stand to perfectly see the illusion. When we arrived, we dropped our coats into the free coat room, then went on our adventure.

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Classic Afternoon Tea on Brigit’s Bakery Bus Tour

Ever since Robin and I went on the Grinchmas Tour Bus last year, Amelia has been asking after going on one as well. The time finally came, the stars aligned with Robin and Amelia having the same day off of school while Kai was back at school, making it the perfect time to go on a tour of London with some snacks. We booked up an Afternoon Tea on Brigit’s Bakery Bus Tour, which is a tour of London along with some classic afternoon tea food.

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