Paladone: Scribble Shakedown – Fun Drawing Game

[Ad- gifted product] Scribble Shakedown came out of the blue, joined our board game shelf, and became the number one game we’ve played this year! There is something super fun about the comically huge, moving pens and having to draw very simple things! Let me tell you about the game. Scribble Shakedown is a pretty easy concept; there are two different stacks of cards; Quick Fire and Team Battle, giving two different ways to play.

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This or That – Guessing Card Game

[Ad- gifted product] We have been covering a lot of tabletop games on this blog lately, and that’s partially because it’s Christmastime, and everyone has a board game. Another reason is because on Mondays, we have girls night, which starts off with a board game or tabletop game while Kai starts his DnD, before we head home to get on with our evening. This time, we played This or That, which is a pretty fast action card game that’s very simple to play.

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Disney 100 Crystal Art Sticker Album brings mindfulness to Disney Fun

[Ad- gifted products] We have previously done a few of the Crystal Art kits, but the Disney 100 Crystal Art Sticker Album is a whole lot more than creating a card or a picture! These stickers are from a bunch of different Disney titles, from the classics like Bambi to newer titles like Star Wars. They come in blind-bag style bags where you can find three different stickers (along with their gems) inside.

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Puffin Rush – Artic Animal Board Game

[Ad- gifted product] We have played many board games in our time, but we haven’t played a board game designed by a 9 year old! Puffin Rush is a simple, well made board game that has been designed by a kid – which is very inspiring to Robin, Amelia and Kai! While Kai had DnD at our local Geek Retreat, we played a few rounds of Puffin Rush, as it’s a two to four player game.

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Christmas Shopping with Wicked Uncle for 8 year old girls

[Ad- gifted products – Updated December 1st, 2023 to add more gift ideas] Christmas is nearly here, so it’s often a challenge to start shopping and finding the perfect gift for everyone in my family! With such an abundance of toys out there, I often struggle to figure out exactly what we should get for each age group. Wicked Uncle is always a goFai to when it comes to figuring out what to get. Their website is divided into different age ranges for their toys, as well as genders, so that you can get a better idea on what to get for a specific age. With so many different options, it’s really easy to find the ideal items for your child! We are going to look at toys that are ideal for 8 year old girls!

Fairytales and Legends Crossbody Bag

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