[Ad- gifted products] We have previously done a few of the Crystal Art kits, but the Disney 100 Crystal Art Sticker Album is a whole lot more than creating a card or a picture! These stickers are from a bunch of different Disney titles, from the classics like Bambi to newer titles like Star Wars. They come in blind-bag style bags where you can find three different stickers (along with their gems) inside.

Disney 100 Crystal Art Sticker Album is essentially a giant book where you can store your stickers once you have covered them in crystals. These stickers all have beautiful backgrounds to place them in, in the album, which really represent the movies or shows they are from. If you are not familiar with Crystal Art, it’s sort of like gemified paint by numbers. Each album comes with a small tool, a wax sheet, a tray and the book itself (along with two blind bags to start you off with). This tool has a metal end which goes into the wax sheet, breaking off a bit of wax into them. You can then take the first set of gems, which has a letter on the bag it comes in, and place them into your tray. Your metal end of the tool will then pick up the gems, one by one, allowing you to place them into the correct letter.

They will stick on the sticker once you pull off the top of the sticker, as the letter side is also sticky. Sticking the correct gems into the picture will create a shiny, gem version of the picture you are creating. Some of these characters even have a sparkly background and sparkly gems that go in them, making them feel rare. Amelia actually pulled a spider girl on a sparkly background, and Robin got a character that had a sparkly gem sword.
There are plenty of gems in each sticker pack, with enough to spill quite a few on the floor and have leftovers. The Disney 100 Crystal Art Sticker Album is such a nice place to store these stickers once they are done and really elevated the idea of collecting them all, as it’s so fun to see all of the characters in their various backgrounds. The back of each of the individual stickers has the number that they are within the book, making them easy to find.

The Disney 100 Crystal Sticker Album is great for keeping kids busy, as they only really need help changing out the different crystals when they finished the previous one. It’s a very good rainy day activity too, that does prevent kids from being bored.
This sounds like so much fun for any kid. I know I was certainly obsessed with stickers at that age, and ours weren’t nearly that cool.
I love that these can be mixed and matched to create different effects! That crystal aspect is very cool!
This is fully awesome! I’m a total geek, so I love the collectibility and surprise opening of the bags. This seems incredibly cool for any Disney and/or sticker lover out there.
This is an interesting activity. My niece will surely like this and even I want to do it!
I might have to get one for myself! I love this!!
They looks like great kits, I love that they have the little gems too – it just makes it all that extra bit sparkly.
This is such a fun activity and perfect for a Christmas gift. My niece is crazy for stickers and Disney and would love this!
What a fascinating concept! The Disney 100 Crystal Art Sticker Album sounds like a magical combination of creativity and nostalgia. The gemified paint-by-numbers approach seems like an enchanting way to bring Disney characters to life with a sparkly twist. I love that each sticker has a beautiful background that represents the movies or shows they are from—adding an extra layer of storytelling to the art.
This kind of things will really like and love by the children because this are all Disney. This things will also help them to get entertained.
I think you’re right, this is a great rainy day activiity. I’d be happy to get this for my granddaughters.
Can this be purchased in Canada and if not how and where can I purchase this. Just found out about this. So what one.
In this article there is a link to them on Amazon, so it might be on Canada Amazon?