Celebrating Disney’s 100th Anniversary with their New Stuffed Toys!

[Ad- gifted products] Disney has been a name in everyone’s household, for so long! Long enough that we can actually put them into years – 100 years to be exact. Disney are celebrating this occasion with their new D100 Plush Collection, which reflects on the heritage of Disney and focuses on some of their older titles.

My youngest memory of Disney happens to be around Winnie the Pooh. When I was very young, I had a cassette player and a Winnie the Pooh cassette which told a story about Winnie the Pooh and on the flip side had a story about a soldier who found Winnie the Pooh, a black bear, and kept her as a sort of army pet. Winnie ended up living as a mascot to this troop, until one day he moved to. The idea of having a pet bear and this bear traveling throughout the world, was something I found super interesting and comforting.

This was my favourite cassette tape. When I first got my own room, a huge achievement for any child, I was scared, worried, and felt like the silence was too much. For the entire first month I slept in my own room, I actually listened to that cassette tape over and over, as I attempted to go to sleep. Winnie the Pooh quickly became my favourite character – I even got to meet him when I was very young, along with Piglet and Eeyore.

I wish I had the D100 Platinum Pooh bear toy as a child. The plushie is so soft, almost golden looking like the Honey that Pooh bear would have devoured. The little iconic, red t-shirt Pooh always wears is there, in a soft material to match him. It’s an adorable little plush!

As much as I love Pooh, Minnie Mouse is more of a favourite of Robin! She knows Minnie from the likes of Mickey Mouse Club House. This character is equally as shiny and sparkly, with Minnie all dressed up in her silver dress! Robin loves her little bow and how cuddly she is.

Disney is one of those brands that has stuck around, for generations. The idea that I have memories with the Disney brand through the shows and media I had access too as a child and that my children got to experience similar aspects of Disney through newer versions of them is really quite amazing. Now, if only we could all go visit Disneyland together!

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14 thoughts on “Celebrating Disney’s 100th Anniversary with their New Stuffed Toys!

  1. Beth says:

    Oh, gosh, those are the cutest! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than with these plushies. They’re everything I’ve always loved about Disney.

  2. Tammy says:

    Aww mini mouse is so cute! And of course no matter how old you get, pooh bear is always a favorite. These are the sweeties plushies 🙂

  3. Priscilla Stubbs says:

    I remember going to watch Bambi with my six year old daughter. She was completely traumatised because Bambi’s Mum died. She still talks about it over 45 years later!

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