Everything you should bring to Blogger Events

[Ad- gifted product]ย I have always gone to gaming events, and most recently, got the chance to go along to BlogOn, which is an amazing blogger conference full of brands, talks, and more. When attending events, something that hasn’t happened at physical locations for some time, it can be really daunting. It’s often hard to know what to bring or what to do at events. Every event you go to will be different – BlogOn was a one day event, where as longer events can be 2 days or even 5 days. BlogOn was a particularly great event in how helpful everyone was and in the supplies they had dotted around, however, not all events are this helpful – so to ensure you get the most out of it and have the best time you can, you should pack your bag accordingly.

Business Cards

When it comes to meeting brands and connecting in a professional light, you will want to have some well designed and informational business cards. AuraPrints is a design and manufacturing company that will help you design the cards, taking a lot of work out of physically making them. You can send them the logo or header you have for your blog and the information you want on it, and they will put together the front and back of your business card, adding details and picking colors, for you to look over and tweak before they are printed. They also have lots of options when it comes to size and subtle features to your card, like foil! Having a business card with your email, blog URL, and social medias on it can really make the different when connecting with a brand.

Notebook and Pen

There are so many reasons to take a notebook and pen to blogging events! If your event has workshops or talks, you might want to take notes for later or jot down ideas that come to your head. Having a notebook and pen gives you that space to write down anything that you may forget later, and have it organised in sections for the event, where as in your phone, it might get lost forever. If you are going to a blogging event with toys and brands – like a press show – you might want to jot down notes about the brands you are seeing, write down the items they are showcasing, and any special information they have told you about the item. Another great reason to have a notebook and pen is to look more professional. Sometimes at events, you can feel really out of place, but having a notebook to focus on while you write down whatever someone is saying can sometimes make you feel more organised and in control.

Mints and Hand Sanitiser

When it comes to interacting with a lot of people, you will want to ensure you have some items packed for your own hygiene. Events often are fuelled by coffee, which can result in some less than ideal smelling breath moments. Packing a box of mints that you can use to freshen your breath during the event can be a real life saver and can make such a different. Nobody wants to have a meeting with stinky breath! Hand Sanitiser, especially in a post-lockdown world, is another must. As you are often in a new environment and touching loads of stuff around you. Sanitising between interactions can keep yourself more healthy, when it comes to big rooms of people and lots of items that everyone has touched!

Water bottle, Snacks and Bag

Whenever I go to events, I also take a few snacks and a water bottle. I find that even if an event provides food, you may be a bit peckish before the food is served or even afterwards, before you can get out for dinner. I often go for a trail mix or protein based snack to put into my bag, to give a bit of a midday boost. Events can be long days, with early morning starts, so having a little midday energy boost can keep you going for longer. Along with my snacks, I ensure I have a water bottle on me, just to keep hydrated and continue to drink while doing so much talking. Having these, and all of the above, really requires a bag to carry around with you. I often go for a backpack instead of a shoulder bag, just due to what I feel most comfortable with. You will want a medium sized bag, one that can hold all of the above and anything else you get from the event, but is comfortable to carry about. If you are attending an event like BlogOn, which has a reputation for massive goodie bags, you will want to take a second, rolling bag to put your goodie bag into and store on site, until you are ready to head home – as dragging around a giant bag of goodies isn’t the most ideal!

Gel Insoles and Battery Pack

If the event requires walking on your feet for longer then you would normally (and most events seem too!) you will want to get gel insoles for your shoes. These are a game changer and will save your feet from feeling sore and warn after a day of walking around show floors or walking from talk to talk. If you don’t have these in your shoes already, they are just a really nice purchase that can make walking so much better in general! I also always take a battery pack with me to events (along with the cable) as your phone can really drain between Instagram, checking your email, and tweeting. It’s important to have some sort of juice, so having your battery pack with you and charged, can ensure you stay connected.

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16 thoughts on “Everything you should bring to Blogger Events

  1. Astrid says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed BlogOn! I’ve never been to a blogging event. Thanks for sharing these tips on what to pack. I don’t have business cards as of yet, but really need to get some indeed.

  2. Stephanie says:

    I’ve never been to a blogger convention, but have been to others such as board game conventions. Water and snacks are important no matter where you go. I didn’t think about the good shoes and battery pack though!

  3. Fee says:

    Maybe one day I will go to BlogOn – I have seen it grow and grow over the years so there are some great tip here, I wouldn’t think of taking a big bag to store all the goodies in! I love your business cards ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  4. Melissa Cushing says:

    This is the perfect lots for any type of event and especially a blogger event ๐Ÿ˜‰ Will bookmark this to come back to ๐Ÿ˜‰

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