Why is it important to ensure your family car is in good condition?

The family car is one of the most important vessels there is. Helping to ferry our children around to school, clubs and appointments, many of us rely on our trusty cars as a way of getting our family from A to B.  

With the cost of living soaring and many families struggling to make ends meet, it can be all too tempting to forget about your car maintenance schedule – but you shouldn’t.  

Frequent servicing or being able to book a mot online is a necessity as it ensures your car is in the best condition possible for you and your family. If you still need more convincing, here are just a few reasons why it’s important to keep your family car in good nick.

Reduce running costs

Amid sky-high inflation rates, many of us are looking for ways to save a few pennies. Although it might seem counterintuitive, one of the best ways to save money long-term is by keeping up with your car maintenance.  

By regularly checking your car over, you’ll be able to nip any issues in the bud before they deteriorate. This will save you money compared to if you let the issue fester.  


For any family, safety should be high on your list of priorities. Especially if you regularly brave the school run and rush hour traffic with precious cargo.  

When you take your car in for a service or MOT, the mechanic will meticulously inspect and test the components in your vehicle. They’ll look at everything from the brakes and tyres to the suspension and windscreen wipers. By finding problems before they get worse, you can ensure your car is safe to drive – and your family is protected.

Maintain car value

Even if you’re not currently thinking about selling your car, it’s always a good idea to maintain the value of it.  

By keeping up with regular servicing schedules, you’re preserving the value of your motor. This means that when you decide to sell your trusty family car or trade it in, you’ll be able to get a better price than if you were to let the condition lapse.

Final thoughts…

Family cars take a beating – both inside and out! While it might be tempting to put car maintenance to the back of your mind amid high living costs, it’s important you don’t. By maintaining your family car you’ll save money, ensure the safety of your family and help stop depreciation in its tracks.   

Check out some of our other tips.

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