Get More Vits Drink is a delicious way to get vitamins

Get More Vits

[Ad- gifted products] When it comes to drinking water, I am so bad at keeping up. We live in a culture of people who promote staying healthy and staying hydrated, especially at the start of the new year. However, I have always found water boring, and flavored water to be not that flavorful. It’s been a struggle, and though I do go through kicks of drinking water, I often resort back to fizzy drinks very soon after, as they are packed with flavors I do enjoy. Earlier last year, I got to try Get More Vits, which isn’t exactly a water, but isn’t bad for you like fizzy drinks are, and I have actually stuck to drinking them!

Get More Vits, which appeared in my local Tesco, is a drink that can come still or fizzy, containing vitamins, and acting like a vitamin supplement. There are tons of different fruit flavors, different vitamins focused on each ones, and there are no sugar inside these drinks either, so they are a really healthy alternative to fizzy drinks. Plus, they actually taste good. I have tried so many different drinks marketed as healthy, that are see-through like water, and have always resorted back to something with actual flavor, however Get More Vits does an amazing job of being fruity, not tasting so fake, and being packed with a punch.

Our household favorite flavor is easily Mango & Passion fruit, which contains D Vitamins, to support healthy bones. Robin is actually a huge fan of this flavor, and prefers it over juice, which was very interesting to see as children seem to be very picky when it comes to what they eat and drink! Apple and Raspberry is a personal favorite of mine, which is super tasty and has B vitamins, to support energy release. I use to drink a lot of B vitamin focused, super sugary energy drinks, but have switched to picking up the this Get More Vits drink, and it has worked a charm without so much sugar and calories being put into my body so early in the morning.

Get More Vits have other flavors, like orange that contains vitamin C (Kai’s favorite, and he loves that it is fizzy as he doesn’t get to have fizzy drinks often), Pink Grapefruit, which isn’t bitter at all like grapefruit is, and contains B12, and a Peach and Apricot drink that has fiber in it, and is very floral and fruity! The Lemon and Lime Muti-vits water, that contains a good amount of vitamins to support a healthy body, feels like a really high quality lemon water or, if fizzy, a very nice neutral flavored soda.

Get More Vits is the first vitamin water I have successfully been able to incorporate into my life, without feeling like I am trying to be healthy. They are genuinely very tasty and I enjoy drinking them. It feels so good to like the taste of something that has the vitamins I need and is more healthy then what I normally drink.

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12 thoughts on “Get More Vits Drink is a delicious way to get vitamins

  1. Malaika Archer says:

    Hydration, vitamins, and great taste in one have piqued my interest. I struggle with my water intake, and this may help to get me on track. I would lean towards the Pink Grapefruit. I need as much B12 as I can get.


    These sound like interesting drinks. I’m glad you mentioned there is no sugar as that’s something I would have been concerned about.

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