Harlow Chinese School – Hot Pot Party

When it comes to cooking at the Harlow Chinese School, a lot of the prep work is already done for us. This is totally okay with me, as I am more than happy to primarily do the eating! with the first course of the New Year, Sun Yong wanted to do something a bit different, and prepare a Hot Pot Party. This was more of a big social event, where we were just cooking out own Hot Pot and talking with each other. Honestly, it felt like a great community activity and a lovely way to start off the New Year without any sort of pressure.

We found ourselves divided into groups of four, so Dann and I were paired with another couple, each with a hot pot in the middle of our table. Our table decided to have a spicy based to our hot pot, so Sun added a bunch of spicy chili paste that started boiling away. In front of us was a variety of different ingredients for our hot pot. There were tons of different foods to cook in our hot pot! We had a plate of sliced lamb and beef, which was slightly frozen as they took only seconds to cook. Another plate had tons of fish balls; crab balls, fish cakes, lobster cakes and so much more. Another plate had a mix of mushrooms and different times of tofu, along with some sliced rice cakes.

Many of these items we’d not had before. I am not the biggest fish fan, so I have not really enjoyed fish cake previously! I was quite excited to try them out. While our hot pots heated up, Sun Young had us build our sauce, which had a peanut butter base, some bean curd (Dann and I picked spicy) along with soy, spring onions, and Chinese Vinegar. This dip is what we used to dip all of our cooked items into, to give it a bit more flavor.

When we were boiling away, we dumped all of our fish in. There were a few other fresh vegetables at main table to dip into as well; spinach and cabbage, both of which cook quite quickly! I really enjoyed the cabbage and mushrooms myself, and some of the tofu was really interesting texturally. We also had plenty of noodles to enjoy too. When it came to the rice cakes, they really surprised me, as they were chewy in a super interesting way. Dann and I both have had Hot Pot before, but not Chinese hot pot, which is different from what we had tasted. It was quite fun to chat with everyone about what they had been up to recently and spend time eating until we were all too stuffed to eat anymore. It was also interesting seeing all the different types of pots that you can make hot pot in!

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!

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