Trying new Higgidy products for an easy lunch

[Ad- gifted products] Higgidy has been a go-to brand for us when it comes to picnics or easy grab-and-go snacks. Our family associates them with vegan products or products that don’t contain any meat. When looking at all of their new stock, we noticed that they had a bunch of new meat pies and other savouries that we had not tried before! Excited, we set up a little indoor picnic, as it’s quite cold and windy outside, where we could try a bunch of picky bits.

Creamy Chicken & Sauteed Leek Pie and Slow-Braised Steak & Craft Ale Pie

Pies feel like they need a bit of heating up, so we popped these in the oven. I don’t think they are something we will be taking on a beach picnic in the future, but we do very much enjoy a good pie now and again, and these are the perfect size for a single person to enjoy. The creamy chicken and sauteed leek pie was just that; creamy and full of flavor. There was plenty of pieces of chicken and I really enjoyed the taste. Amelia also quite liked this one! The slow braised steak and craft ale pie was also very savoury and had plenty of meat in it, though it had a bit of a minty taste, which some of us didn’t enjoy a ton. Both were packed full of flavor though!

Smoked Salmon & Spinach Quiche

Our kids go back and forth on eggs. Sometimes they like eggs, sometimes they hate eggs. They do always like salmon though! We tried this smoked salmon and spinach quiche, which was a new Higgidy product for our household, and found that everyone quite liked it. Robin and Amelia remembered the taste from an afternoon tea we went to somewhat recently, so they were well into it. Kai also said it was good. I don’t really eat fish, so ducked out, but could see there was plenty of fish and spinach to it.

Mature Cheddar & Sweet Chilli Dinky Rolls and Vegetable Samosa Rolls

Higgidy dinky rolls and large rolls often find themselves in our packed lunches or bags for a day out. We tried out two new flavors, the first being a mature cheddar and sweet chilli dink rolls, which Robin and Kai absolutely loved. They were very cheesy! The Vegetable Samosa rolls had a lot of flavor, which Dann really liked, and a lot of texture to them as well. It was very fun to dive into both of these.

Garlic Roasted Broccoli and Vintage Cheddar Quiche

This was the real stand out for me and something I think we are going to have again, hot or cold! It tasted a lot like a broccoli and cheese casserole! It was delicious with plenty of cheddar and plenty of herbs. Robin really enjoyed this as well and I think it would be even better heated up. The size of Higgidy quiches are also quite good and can make a decent side dish in a pinch.

Our household is always a fan of Higgidy and it was great to try some of their meat-based products! We really look forward to adding some of these to our weekly food shop going forward.

Check out some of our other reviews.

9 thoughts on “Trying new Higgidy products for an easy lunch

  1. Karen says:

    I’ve seen Higgidy products in my local store but never actually tried any…I can’t wait to try them out next time around…Thanks a lot.

  2. Rhian Scammell says:

    I’ve had a few things from this brand before but not that many. Ohh the cheddar and sweet chilli rolls sound super tasty x

  3. Melissa Cushing says:

    This is a new to me brand that I will be on the lookout for the next time I am out shopping as everything looks so yummy! I cannot wait to try and thank you!

  4. Lavanda says:

    The broccoli and cheese quiche sounds like a perfect comfort food with plenty of cheddar and herbs! It’s great to hear that you enjoyed Higgidy, they seem like a versatile addition to your weekly meals.

  5. AJ says:

    This all sounds so good, I don’t think I have ever heard or seen this brand before! Considering that I do like broccoli and cheese casserole, the roasted broccoli and cheddar quiche would probably be the first one I’d try!

  6. Crystal says:

    Sounds absolutely delicious! I love how it has that comforting broccoli and cheese casserole vibe. It’s great to hear that Higgidy’s meat-based products are just as good! The convenience and size of their quiches really make them a perfect option for busy weeks. I’ll definitely be adding them to my shopping list!

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