A Day Out at Hitchin Lavender Field

Hitchin Lavender Field

Now that the weather is great and the flowers are blooming, we took a trip to the Hitchin Lavender Field! Neither of us have ever been to a lavender field before, but we wanted to walk in the sea of purple fields and hang out together. It seemed like a great day to spend a lazy afternoon, so we headed off to explore and enjoy the nice sunny weather! We did book ahead, making sure we had tickets and could go on in, and then appeared for our time slot.

The Hitchin Lavender Field is massive, walking onto a flat bit of ground before a sea of purple flowers, flowing up a hill. There are plenty of rows to walk through, following the flowers up to the top of a hill, which then flattens off – perfect for a little picnic or snack at the top. Normally, you can pick as many of these flowers as you’d like, but at the moment picking is currently cancelled, so we just got to enjoy the bushes fully bloomed! Walking through the field, the first thing that hits you is the smell – fresh, lavender, strong – instantly hitting your nose.

The next thing that hits you is the sound! Walking through a field of lavender, there are a bunch of bees. Hundreds of bees, all buzzing and making as much noise as they want as they move from flower to flower. We walked forward and weren’t hit by any, just continuing on our way while they continued with their day. It was such a lovely time trying to photograph those bees, busy working, while looking around at all the flowers.

We ended up picking up a jar of lavender honey, made locally, as well as a lavender lemonade and lavender ice cream! The lemonade was interesting – slightly floral and quite tart and the ice cream was super yummy, very creamy with a bit of floral taste. We felt the taste wasn’t soapy, like you get with some lavender, and instead was really quite subtle and nice.

Once we had walked and smelled all we wanted, we retired to the bottom of the hill, right by huge native-American styled TPs. These provided a bit of shade and homed a bunch of picnic tables and places to sit out of the sun. We really enjoyed the slow pace and vibe of the Hitchin Lavender Field, everyone seemed to be taking photos and hanging out in the sun. It was a great time.

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!

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