How to Keep Your Garden Thriving All Year Round

As the long winter nights are finally starting to feel like a thing of the past and brighter days are on the horizon, Spring brings with it the perfect time to start thinking about breathing new life into your garden so you can enjoy it for the year ahead. Gardens and outdoor spaces can often feel neglected through the winter months, and it can feel like a daunting task trying to figure out how to bring it back to its glorious best. This article will provide some handy tips to help you rejuvenate your garden for the months ahead.

Outdoor Lighting

Having a garden where you can spend an evening entertaining guests is truly one of life’s greatest pleasures. And, as the weather in the UK begins to improve, more and more people will want to spend time outside throwing parties and enjoying having food and drinks together outside. To ensure you can enjoy time in your outdoor space late into the evening, you could think about investing in some outdoor lighting to brighten up your space such as festoon lights which you could drape along fences or overhead above your outdoor seating. 

Seasonal Planting

To ensure your garden is bright and colourful all year round you could choose to plant a diverse range of plants that can survive throughout any season. Planting flowers that bloom at different points during the seasons means your garden will continue to excite you and breathe new life into your outdoor space as the weeks and months go by. 

Regular Maintenance

Keeping on top of the maintenance of your outdoor space will ensure that it looks its best all year round. It can be easy to keep on top of your garden during the summer months but creating a garden maintenance schedule that also includes autumn and winter means you won’t be hit with the daunting task of completely transforming your garden when spring rolls around. Getting rid of weeds and pruning your plants are simple tasks that can keep your garden looking tidy and healthy throughout the year.

Seasonal Adjustments

Depending on the seasons, parts of your garden may thrive if they are getting more natural sunlight or are better protected from any harsher weather conditions. In the summer you could consider moving your garden furniture into areas that get the most sunshine so you can enjoy your evenings soaking up the last of the sun, while other plants may need to be moved into the shade so they don’t dry out. Similarly, you could consider moving plant pots and shrubs under sheltered areas during the wetter months to save them from getting waterlogged and damaged by any inclement weather. 

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