How to keep your teeth clean and ears healthy

*AD/Collaboration, but as always, all views are my own. Updated on December 12th, 2020.

Earlier in the year, I tried a teeth whitening kit that reset my teeth quite a bit, but now it’s all about keeping my teeth clean and healthy so that I can continue to have white teeth that are beneficial for my body. There are lots of ways to keep your body healthy, but most importantly, it’s about building a habit or routine that really benefits and focuses on your teeth and ears. First, let’s talk teeth:

Brush regularly, but especially after sugary drinks

I, like most Americans, drink a lot of soda. Things like soda are particularly bad for your teeth, breaking down the enamel on your teeth quickly, so it’s important to brush your teeth after drinking sugary drinks. I’ve limited my sugary drink consumption to dinner time, as I normally brush my teeth after dinner anyway, which can help with the routine of getting my teeth brushed and cleaned swiftly. I found brushing right after breakfast and after dishes are done after dinner made for good routine for me!

Use an electric toothbrush

I have had many, many toothbrushes in my life. I’ve found that having electric toothbrushes can really make a difference! Electric toothbrushes get in between your teeth’s gaps better, breaking down whatever is lurking there, as well as working at scrubbing the outside of your teeth better. If you’re looking for more ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy, you might consider knowing how to use a waterpik. This tool can be an effective addition to your oral care routine, especially if you’re looking for an alternative to flossing.

Go to the Dentist

Dentist might seem scary but it’s well worth going regularly to have your teeth professionally cleaned and to make sure that everything in your mouth is right. It’s not worth waiting for your mouth to start hurting or for there to be a problem to go to the dentist (browse around here to know about the nearest dentist Middle Village in your location) – you should be going at least twice a year for teeth cleaning, so making sure you hit this bare minimum is a great starting place! Dentists can also help answer any questions specifically with how you should clean your own teeth and how to keep your teeth healthy themselves.

Cleaning your ears

When it comes to ear care, much like teeth, it’s something you need to maintain. Cleaning out your ears with cotton swabs – something I use to do quite a bit – is actually really dangerous. When it comes to properly cleaning your ears, you should be using a wash cloth and lightly rubbing around your ears. This is something that is quite easy to do and build as apart of your nighttime routine.

Earwax Cleaning

When it comes to the inside of your ears, it’s best to leave that to the professionals. Places like Auris Ear Care can safely and professionally clean the wax out of your ears – which should be done from time to time. Especially if you find it hard to hear or feel like your ears might be blocked up – instead of taking the cleaning into your own hands, it makes much more sense to leave this to professionals so that no damage comes to your ears.

Watch the noise

When it comes to loud noises, you will need to take extra care. I use to attend a lot of gaming events, which were in loud venues with music and it slowly broke down my hearing. Purchasing a pair of noise lowering ear buds or bringing along regular ear plugs can do wonders when it comes to limiting damage from the noise around you. Plugs that lower the noise can allow you to still hear your friends around you, without the volume that comes with loud venues. Many venues also have earplugs behind the bar or in the coat room, if you ask staff!

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