A Day Out at Ellis Leisure’s Inflatable Fun Day

Ellis Leisure's Inflatable Fun Day

We go out to a lot of inflatable and bouncing events. Robin specifically loves inflatables, and could spend her entire day bouncing on them. So, when we heard about Ellis Leisure‘s Inflatable Fun Days, we were all ready to spend a day in the sun, bouncing around. These fun days happen at various locations all over Essex. You can pay free per person to get a wristband, which allows you either a half day or full day of bouncing.

We went to the event at Raphaels Park Romford, and did not realize that it was towards the back of the park. Having this sort of information on the page might have been nice! As a result, we were a few minutes into our time slot, and then had to wait in line for a further 20 minutes, despite pre-booking. This was quite disappointing, as we all felt there should be a separate line for pre-booked people, so that they can actually take the most of their timeslot.

Either way, once we got in to Ellis Leisure’s Inflatable Fun Day, we set up a little picnic spot and let the kids run around on their own. Robin, Amelia and Kai were all a little nervous about the lines at these inflatables, but once they stood in one and realized the lines last maybe 3 minutes to get through the entire line, at the longest line, they were no longer intimidated by it. There are quite a few different inflatables to choose from; Kai’s favorite was one where you can kick a ball into a huge target and get points. Robin loved a medium sized slide, that had a small course you needed to go through before making it into it, and Amelia’s favorite was a long course, that you just went tumbling through. There was also a massive slide, a caterpillar course, a soccer area, and more for the kids to run around in.

If you have younger ones, there is a dedicated, roped off section for even smaller humans to enjoy, without larger kids running around. This area is staffed, to not let in the older ones. In the middle of Ellis Leisure’s Inflatable Fun Day, many parents had set up picnics. We had brought sandwiches, snacks, and sides for the kids to eat and dip into. At around 1:00, the entire park actually closes for an hour for lunch, before re-opening for the afternoon session. During this time you could go out and get lunch, and then come back if you have an all day pass. We had a half day pass, and the kids were pretty exhausted after the half day! Ellis Leisure’s Inflatable Fun Day is a day we’d come back to in the future, and we are happy to have discovered it runs each summer!

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!

15 thoughts on “A Day Out at Ellis Leisure’s Inflatable Fun Day

  1. Rhian Westbury says:

    That’s a shame that the queuing wasn’t quite as good as it could have been but sounds like the kids and you guys had a good time. Sounds like half a day was more than enough x

  2. Lisa says:

    What a fun day out! My niece loves these inflatables, I know I would have a hard time pulling her away from this lol!

  3. Kat says:

    that bouncy castle looks so much fun! surely kids would love it, such a lovely entertainment on any occasions or events.

  4. Melissa Cushing says:

    That inflatable looks beautiful and I have to say I always have so much fun when. one of these are around 😉 My kids always love them too! They are bouncy fun for hours and I love that the kids get all of their energy out of their system after playing 😉

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