Is long distance dating worth it?

*AD /Sponsored Collaboration, but as always, all views are my own.

As it’s nearly Valentines Day, everyone who isn’t currently in a relationship might be finding it particularly noticeable that they are single. More people try going on dates, others embrace being single, and some just look for companionship. When it comes to dating, there are lots of options, especially with the whole of the internet connecting the world the way it has in the last few years. Connecting people to others is a very good thing, but it can often lead to the difficulties of long distance relationships.

I’ve been in a long distance relationship before, attempting to date someone from across the ocean, in a different country. It’s a pretty hard task. There are time zone differences, you can’t ever really meet up, and there is a lot of someones life that they might not just put on the internet. This lead me to more local dating – dating someone I can physically see and hang out with because long distance dating just isn’t worth it for me. And I’d like to tell you why.

Dates are fun

Dating someone locally means that you can go out on dates. Real dates, at places, where you can gain more experiences. Like most people, I enjoy going out – even simple events like to a dinner, out to a movie, and around a town, it’s so fun. Being with someone, instead of on your own, is even more of an adventure. When dating from a distance, I wasn’t able to experience going out with someone else or able to enjoy a meal with them. There are some work around, like eating food together at the same time, but it’s not the same. As long as you have a car or decent public transport, even short distances can be crossed if you date locally or semi-locally. In England, there are so many good ways to publicly commute, you can easily start looking into areas slightly beyond your home town without going too far.

It’s easy to find people locally

As much as the internet has opened up the entire world, there are so many ways to find people locally. You can run into people at your favourite spots to hang out or join activities where you might find someone. People who come to the same places as you, if you aren’t travelling far, tend to be local – and have common interests. There are also a lot of dating apps that are specifically for local areas like the Hertfordshire dating site Love Hertfordshire Singles for people in and around Hertfordshire or Love Yorkshire Singles if you are located more up the country and are looking for Yorkshire dating. These apps specifically help you find local people who you can meet up with.

Getting to know someone

It’s often said that people online are hiding behind a screen. Though I do not completely agree with that, it is hard to get to know someone you cannot see often. It’s hard understanding what they are like with their own friends or how they act in public situations. People do act differently, even after the first few times you meet in public. Being able to see someone in environments that they are comfortable in and uncomfortable in lets you know more about that person and see if they actually are a good fit for you. It’s a very important to long term relationships.

Being intimate

It’s obviously very hard to be intimate or physically around someone if you cannot be around them. Though, physically being with someone isn’t the biggest reason to be in a relationship, its definitely apart of the package deal of not being single. In long distance relationships, you can’t really cuddle or have your first kiss – and there is so much pressure when you do see your other half to get all of this into the limited time, if you aren’t going to be able to stay. Getting to see someone locally means that you can be intimate and can take things slow when you are around them, instead of having to wait ages to see them and then rush things. It’s a more relaxed and comfortable way to date.

With all of that said, some people do actually have successful long distance relationships, so it is something that does work. There is just so much more time and effort that needs to be put in, which can be avoided if you look locally and date within the people around you. For me, the choice is clear.

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