[Ad- gifted product] We are always looking for more family games to play together, especially when on holiday. This year, during our weekend away at Waxham Sands, we took along Junior Colourbrain. This is a card based game that’s quite small, so easy to pack and take with you anywhere. The game itself is two player or divide everyone into teams of two. The concept its very simple and the amount of cards you do need to play with aren’t too many, making it ideal for on the go gameplay.

In Junior Colourbrain, your goal is to know the colors of whatever the question card is. The question card has a number on it, for the number of colors you need to select, and then a word or phrase. These words could be like “Aubergine”, “TY Toy Tag”, “SpongeBob SquarePant’s Pants (without belt)”, etc. They are sort of random and can be anything, really. You or your team then need to sort through your eight color cards to find the number of colors that are on the card, then place them face down. There is a rule where once one team or player has found the cards, they shout Colourbrain, and then the other team or player only has 30 seconds to find their colors, but we didn’t have big delays or anything and so didn’t need to use this shouting rule.

Once the cards are picked by both sides, we reveal at the same time, then see the answer on the back of the question card. The team or person that has the most correct or is completely correct gets the card. These cards act like points. There is one other card in your hand in Junior Colourbrain, which is a one use action. If you are losing the game, you can play this special card which is a Colour 8 to then take 8 random cards out of the other team’s hand before the question is asked. They will then only have these three remaining cards to choose from, which is quite the disadvantage.

Junior Colourbrain has some simplistic questions, as it’s aimed for younger children, age 6 and up. Robin absolutely knew the answer to every single question it seemed, where as Amelia struggled on things like “Snoopy” and other characters she hadn’t heard of. Dann and I didn’t know a lot of the different ones, like “Superman’s badge” etc. It was fun to see what colors were picked and the game itself is very entertaining! There are plenty of question cards as well, keeping things interesting. We all quite enjoyed Junior Colourbrain and would likely get the non-junior version too.
I love the sound of this game, I do love playing family games and loving that my grandaughters shares the love both myself an daughter love as well. Will have to look out for this game
I love the idea behind this game. I think it’s a great way to make you think just a little nad make a lot of laughs at the same time.
Games like this are always so much fun for family game night. They promote LOTS of laughter.
I love games like this one, it is awesome…I always get educational board games like this one, the kids love them.
We love games, and have had our eyes on this for a while. We might give the general a version a go now we’ve read your review
The Junior Colourbrain sounds like an awesome game to play with our kids and hearing about it for the first time. Thanks a lot for introducing it to me!
We have the original version of this game. This version would be great for younger kids.
We have the adult version of this and it’s such a good game. Even those who aren’t that good at trivia etc can play as it’s just guessing colours. So cool that there’s a junior version x
I do love a good card game and will ahve to check this one out for my famiuly. We love playing boardgames for family game night and this is the perfect addition!
This seems like a great game. It looks fun to play and I am now interested in buying the original version after this review. Thanks for sharing!
This sounds like a good game that the whole family can enjoy together, perfect for autumnal evenings.
It looks like a good game. I like games which can be played by all the age groups. I will have to check out this game.