Lazy Flora Plant Subscription | Review

Until recently, we only had a few plants on our window in the kitchen. An orchid Dann got me as a gift, a random plant we meant to gift to a friend but were a month early to their housewarming and small, stem-y plant that Dann picked up on a whim. We really enjoy these little plants, but have been looking for some more to fill other windows in our home. When it comes to plants for indoor gardening, we often don’t know, off the top of our head, what they are, how to look after them, or if they will get along with Pancake our cat.

Plants make Dann happy and I enjoy them too – bringing a little bit of freshness and outdoors indoors. When I saw Lazy Flora advertised on Instagram, I took a look at it. The company is new and focuses on sending a different plant, either indoor or outdoor, to your home each month. You can upgrade your plan to include a pot for the plant and you can also specify if you need pet friendly plants or if you don’t mind. We went for the pet friendly plants with the pots and subscribed for two months. We got a bonus Rubber Plant for signing up to their newsletter and also ordered a terrarium.

Month One, February

Lazy Flora

The first month we got plants from Lazy Flora was in February. The monthly plant was a Japanese Stonecrop and the pot was a dark blue speckled pot that’s really stylish. We also got our Rubber Tree, which did not have a pot. The Japanese Stonecrop did not have the instructions card that was meant to come with them, but this was easily fixed through email, where they sent over the PDF. I find these cards to be the biggest bonus to Lazy Flora. They tell you everything about the plant; their water and humidity, native habitat, where to position it in light, if it flowers, the tempature needed, and an extra fact. On the back of the card, you can find some information on why they picked that plant and on the company itself.

We decided to pot the Rubber Tree in the pot of the month and purchased an additional pot from a local store for the Japanese Stonecrop. You do need to pot the plants yourself, so we have found having a bag of dirt is useful if you’re not a fan of just putting the plastic pot into the real pot the plant has. Our main issue with the first month wasn’t the card being missing, but instead was the packaging. Our Rubber Tree has lots of broken lines in it’s leaves, which at the time of writing this (end of March) is still there. They offered to send another plant out, but we felt that the plant would probably arrive basically the same, as our Japanese Stonecrop had lost a few bits as well. This isn’t completely at the fault of the company and is just an issue with sending plants, but it’s still a bit of a pain.

Month Two, March

In March, we got a Marble Peperomia in a beautiful, textured grey pot. As there was only one plant this month, we re-potted it within the pot it came with. Our terrarium also came this month and we had some shipping issues. The heavy glass fishbowl that was sent with our terrarium was placed on top of our Marbled Peperomia, which meant that again, a lot of the leaves were damaged. Lazy Flora now shows a new type of box in their advertisements, which I saw after we received ours, which I do feel would fix the problem, but at this time, it’s just a challenge to get plants in one piece. As I was paying £33.00 a month for a plant and a pot, I felt that the plants being damaged both times made the offer not worth it for me and I ended up canceling my subscription. This is also a bit of a task, as they don’t allow you to cancel online (despite it reading like they do) and you will instead need to email them. Once you have, it’s a quick process though.


We also ordered the Terrarium to do together, as a little project, as we have always wanted to do one. The Terrarium itself is £40, which is cheaper than going to a Terrarium making course in London, so it feels very reasonable. We did get a lot in our kit: soil, three big plants, moss, gravel, charcoal, gloves, rough stones, tumbled stones and a large glass fishbowl- esque glass. The glass itself was hefty and thick, which felt really high quality. The instructions told us to put on the gloves and first spread the charcoal on the bottom of the container, then half the dirt, then gravel, then the rest of the dirt. Once this base was done, we dug small holes, placed in our flowers, added moss and then placed in the decorative rocks. The entire process was quite fun and easy! The note card explained why each of these items were going into the vase. Our own issue seemed to be a user one; the jar doesn’t feel big enough for the amount of dirt we put in, however, we had tons of dirt left over. It just felt like it should have been bigger for what we had. We ended up getting rid of some extra moss and keeping the extra stones, as there was just a lot to put in the Terrarium. Lazy Flora did do a good job of instructions on this kit though, which was a huge bonus.

Lazy Flora

Overall, I have quite mixed feelings about Lazy Flora. I wish that less of the plants arrived damaged, and though I know they can grow out of these little breaks, it’s just a shame. For me, the £33.00 wasn’t worth it each month just because of the disappointment of getting quite broken plants. Having the note cards along with the plants is lovely and a great idea, and having a mystery plant each month is really fun. We might check out a few other of these services to see how they compare. The Terrarium, on the other hand, was well worth it. It’s so fun to put together your Terrarium and the note card takes away all of the concerns of messing it up. It’s a cute little activity and the plant lasts long after, reminding you of the time and adding colour to your house. As previously mentioned, Lazy Flora also do outdoor plants, which look interesting, as well as purchasing plants one off.

Check out our other reviews.

10 thoughts on “Lazy Flora Plant Subscription | Review

  1. Charity says:

    This is so fun! I need to do some kind of plant subscription thing too because I am dying to put some plants out on the porch!

  2. stephanie says:

    oh my gosh. a PLANT SUBSCRIPTION service?! that is so brilliant! i’d need them to be artificial because i am definitely a brown thumb kinda person if you know what i mean 😀

  3. Bexa says:

    This is such a fun idea! It is a shame about the broken plants but hopefully their new type of box fixes the problem. I love the Terrarium – it sounds enjoyable to set up and the finished result is super pretty! Thanks for sharing your review! <3 xx

    Bexa |

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