Mila Air – A Robot Air Purifier with filters for cat hair!

Mila Air

We’ve got an alarmingly large number of robots in our house. We have a robot vacuum and a robot cat box, just to name a few! About eight months ago, we shelled out for a robot air purifier, so that the air in our house could be ideal. As we have two cats and live in a house that is prone to dust, we wanted to ensure that our children have the cleanest possible air we could provide for them, so that there are no issues further down the line. Mila Air is one of the more premium air purifiers on the market, so we wanted to test it for a while and check to see if it does make a big difference in the air quality.

Our downstairs is open plan, with our living room, dining room, kitchen and hallway all linking to each other. This is where everyone in our family spends the most of their time, so we have Mila Air set up in the living room area, next to the couch. It’s a pretty big unit, but is low to the ground. Pancake (one of our cats) does spend a lot of time sitting on this machine. It’s got a touch screen on the top, where you can change what mode it is in, which the cat does end up changing often, but it’s still super easy to control as there is a companion app.

Mila Air

In the app, you are able to set what room you have the air purifier in, and what mode the machine is in as well. We leave ours on “automagic” where it speeds up and speeds down depending on the quality of the air. We find that if we do a lot of cooking on the stovetop, suddenly Mila Air goes into turbo, quickly deciding our air isn’t the best for us. In the app, you can switch it to Manual, where you can set the speed of the fan down and see how that will affect the air and the amount of time it will take for Mila Air to make it clean.

The app also shows different modes like timers where you can make the fan work different, as well as the indoor and outdoor AQI (air quality), the temperature in your house, the humidity, the amount of CO2, and the AQI over the last hour, day, week or month. These different stats are interesting, but we don’t actually look at them that often. It’s good to know though the quality of the air outside verses inside!

Mila Air comes with a few different filters to pick from. As we mentioned, we have cats, so we picked the pet friendly filter. This filter is huge, and is meant to be ideal if you have furry animals. We had the option to get a new filter on a 6 month filter, and did exactly that, basically forgetting about the filter until I got a reminder email, was charged, and the filter came in a few days! Changing out the filter on Mila Air is very easy; the front of the air purifier has a magnetic white panel. You can pull off the panel, pull out the filter, and slide in the new filter. The old filter we had was covered in hair, dust and other gross things – very visually showing it is all working! We just put the old filter in the bin – it’s a shame there isn’t a way to recycle it as it feels so big and bulky!

Mila Air

I am really happy with our Mila Air. I have found it to be far less dusty in our household and the cat hair, though still present, isn’t out of control. If you are someone who is actually looking to improve your air quality or who feels that the dust is uncontrollable, getting a Mila Air is a great option and well worth the price tag.

You can check out more of our reviews and recipes to do with our pets!

9 thoughts on “Mila Air – A Robot Air Purifier with filters for cat hair!

  1. Monidipa Dutta says:

    I stumbled upon your review of Mila Air and I have to say, your attention to detail and thorough analysis made me feel like I was there experiencing it myself. Keep up the great work!

  2. Rhian Westbury says:

    We have two cats and I never really thought about the air purity having them. I think we need to look into an air purifier, even if I would be grossed out by what the filter catches x

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