Moma Porridge Pots are a quick start to your morning!

Moma Porridge Pots

[Ad- gifted products] Making breakfast in the morning, especially on days when you are exhausted, can be quite a challenge. With back to school in full swing, early mornings are back as a habit, so we were delighted to try out Moma Porridge Pots for a quick and easy start to our day. These single serving porridge oats just require you to add boiling water from your kettle, let them sit with the lid closed for 5 minutes, then enjoy! It’s a very convenient way to have breakfast.

Moma Porridge Pots

We tried the plain, golden syrup, cranberry & raisin and almond butter & salted caramel flavored Moma porridge pots, with each of us picking the one we wanted for breakfast. The plain Moma porridge pot is just that; plain. I cooked up some fresh apples in sugar and cinnamon, and added it to one of the plain pots. Robin actually really enjoyed her plain porridge with a scoop of peanut butter. If plain porridge is your thing, this is a quick way to eat some! The golden syrup pot was sweeter than the plain, tasting quite a bit of golden syrup. The cranberry & raisin pot has bits of dried cranberry and raisins in the pot, which you can see and eat up.

Kai found this one to be his favorite of the lot! Amelia and Robin both really liked the golden syrup pot best. The almond butter and salted caramel was actually my favorite, which was a surprise. There were like little balls of the almond butter in the oats, and it tasted really sweet and delicious. I am a bigger fan of caramel than I am golden syrup, so I liked those notes better. All of these pots are a decent size for a single portion, giving a good jump start on your day. I honestly was surprised at how quick and easy this made our breakfast time, and we can easily see ourselves getting the plain oats in the future, and providing some sprinkles and toppings so everyone can customize their own oats further.

Moma Porridge Pots are a great product, and Moma Porridge also offers instant porridge packets as well as microwaveable porridge if that’s something that better suits your household. They even do oat milk too! I ended up taking one of these pots on the school run with me, eating on the way, and found the pot to be a really convenient way to eat.

Check out our other reviews!

16 thoughts on “Moma Porridge Pots are a quick start to your morning!

  1. Mayuri says:

    Yummm…this looks like a perfect breakfast that doesn’t require any prep in advance. I am glad this porridge comes in different flavors. I would love to try them out!

  2. MELANIE E says:

    I do love jumbo porridge although don’t eat it as often as I should. I think I’d most enjoy the golden syrup one. I do like my oats with a little sweetness.

  3. Lavanda Michelle says:

    As a mom with a busy schedule, finding convenient and nutritious breakfast options is a constant challenge. Your detailed review helped me understand the pros and cons of these porridge pots, making my decision-making process much easier.

  4. Marie Cris Angeles says:

    This is my first seeing and hearing about this Moma Porridge. But it looks so good and healthy at the same time!

  5. Sue-Tanya Mchorgh says:

    It sounds like you had a delightful breakfast tasting adventure with these Moma porridge pots! From the classic plain option to the sweeter golden syrup and the fruity cranberry & raisin, there’s something for every palate. Personalizing them with toppings like apples and peanut butter is a fantastic idea. Breakfast should always be this delicious and versatile!

  6. Tammy says:

    Quick oats are really great for those busy school mornings and warm cereal is so comforting! Sounds like a great brand!

  7. Melanie williams says:

    Ooo I like porridge for breakfast and these look like an easy way to enjoy a different range of flavours with ease. I will have to give these a try xx

  8. Khushboo says:

    I can see kids are loving eating Moma Porridge. This is really so convenient breakfast options. I will check out this in our store.

  9. Melissa Cushing says:

    These little cups look perfect for getting your day started. I love breakfasts like these and will have to be on the lookout for these to try for myself!

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