My Friend Peppa Pig – Children’s Video Game | Review

My Friend Peppa Pig

*AD – the item in this review was gifted to our household for this post. All opinions, as always, are our own.

It is no secret that we are big fans of video games in our household. As both Dann and I work in video games as apart of our day job, we always have quite a few games and game systems dotted around our home. Robin, due to her age, doesn’t have that many video games in our household as there just simply isn’t that many made for her – but when she does find one she likes, she can rarely put it down! My Friend Peppa Pig is a new addition to the collection!

In My Friend Peppa Pig you are able to create your own character, full of accessories, before diving into the story. Peppa, the main character in the TV Show Peppa Pig, is calling you her new best friend! This is a pretty exciting announcement. Once you are in the game, you can start to watch / play. A lot of the game itself plays like the TV show, with large cut scenes, Peppa talking if you are idle for too long, and transitions as you are told where you are going next. My Friend Peppa Pig has you exploring lots of different places; her home, the beach, a castle and more, which have a lot of interaction points.

In the game itself, there are also lots of light teaching moments, like explaining how telescopes work, which is always good to see. Robin had some trouble with the amount of cut scenes and their length, as she started just watching the game as if it was a TV show and forgetting that she could interact unless it sat idle for a bit, then she would say “oh” and go back to playing as she remembered.

From a parent point of view, I thought these cut scenes were really good – they gave a good break from the game and explained a lot of what was going on. They also weren’t repetitive like the audio in other children’s games, which gave a break to the ears. Though each area of the game is bite sized, they are the perfect size for younger children, as they are full of interesting bits for them to explore before moving onto the next area. My Friend Peppa Pig following the story and continuing to have a world full of bits of story itself is a great entry into narrative driven games and adventure games!

Robin really enjoyed her time with My Friend Peppa Pig, and it is easy to see why. If your child is a fan of Peppa Pig herself or is just interested in video games but needs something age appropriate, this game is a pretty good option and comes on many platforms too.

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10 thoughts on “My Friend Peppa Pig – Children’s Video Game | Review

  1. Jasmine Martin says:

    Peppa Pig is such a great show for kids. I didn’t even realize that they came out with a video game. That’s pretty cool!

  2. Keziah Sirvey T. Cudiamat says:

    I hope this download my friend Peppa pig and I hope is legit I wanted a long long long long long since last year I wanted it to download on my tablet I search for all apps even google but it didn’t work so I hope it works for the last time pls

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