Finding the Perfect Gifts with IWOOT

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to choosing the perfect gift, it can always be a challenge. There are so many different gifts out there and everyone seems to have different hobbies and things that they enjoy. We tasked ourselves with finding gifts for our entire family, using IWOOT – a gift shop that has lots and lots of different gifts for any occasion. We wanted to make sure that everyone in our household of five was able to have a gift that they enjoyed, with some bonuses thrown in. There was so much to choose from on the site, it did take a while for us to settle on the items we did!

Build Your Own Pinball Machine

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Celebrating Father’s Day for all Father’s with Find me a Gift

[Ad- gifted products] When I was a kid, I actually stopped living with my mother at the age of 15. She didn’t really care for me, and I ended up in the full time care of my father, who has always been a wonderful part of my life. He had basically be playing the role of all parental figures, along with my grandma helping out, when I was 10 years old. My dad is a simple guy, he’s happy, go lucky, and spent a lot of my childhood working so that we could have a better life. He really was a massive influence on who I am today, raised me on his own for many years, and we still have weekly phone calls where we talk about everything and anything. As Father’s Day is quickly approaching, it can be a challenge to get fathers gifts, as they are adults who seem to have everything they could ever need. With the help of Find me a Gift, however, I was able to find a bunch of wonderful options!

Popcorn Bottles

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Give someone the gift of Time with the Box Of Favours | Review

[Ad- gifted product] When I was a child, it was a tradition to make these sort of cards for Father’s Day or for Christmas, that gave someone the ability to redeem them to get some sort of thing from me. They were concepts like “back rubs” and “do the dishes”, things that would normally be a bit of a fight or something that took up a lot of my time. When you are a kid, making these cards are super cute and it’s a cheaper gift that can keep on giving, depending on the number of cards that are given. Bringing this concept to an adult setting, Box of Favours has created a great stocking stuffer or gift that follows the format.

Box of Favours

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Pork Schnitzel & Salad (Munchies Guide to Dinner) | Recipe

One Recipe a Week has been continuing strong in our household! This time, we took a look at the Munchies Guide to Dinner. This cookbook is for people who are just learning how to cook. The first few pages talk about properly storing your food and the book itself is mainly basics like roasting a chicken, making your own salad dressing and cooking lasagna. Lots of these recipes are stuff most people know how to do, but we decided to take a look at Pork Schnitzel. This recipe had a goal, like most recipes in the book – specifically to learn how to bread various things. At the start of each recipe in the book, it states what your main takeaway is.

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The 10 Best Gifts for Kids 2019

[Ad- gifted products] When it comes to shopping for children around Christmas time, there are just so many options! Loads of age range, things to consider, far too many blind box-esque toys and a lot of bright colors. We have taken the time to compile a big list of all of the children’s toys we’ve recently discovered and enjoyed. Starting with younger children’s toys and moving towards toys for older kids, we hope you find something you’d like or an idea of where to go!

Wooden Food Toys

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