Beer52 – Mixed Beers Subscription | Review

As you are probably aware, there are lots and lots of monthly subscription boxes out there – from monthly cat gift boxes through to make-up and bath-bomb boxes. So, it makes sense that there’s a monthly beer box. Beer52 is my first experience of a beer box like this, and it’s quite an interesting offering; Certainly more than just a crate of random beers.

For a start, the whole thing is designed as a ‘discovery club’ more than a crate ‘o beer, and that’s fair, it feels themed and deliberate, specifically featuring a wider variety of beers than you’d normally find in your local supermarket. It’s also complete with a couple of bar snacks, and there’s also a brilliant magazine all about craft beers, and brewing on the whole. Much like a Nat Geo, New Scientist, or any of the other specialist, serial magazines it’s a perfect little casual read if you want to learn more about the specialist subject that it is built around. It’s also good coffee table decor.

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