Personalized Pet Food Mat | Review

Pet Food Mat

[Ad- gifted product] I don’t know about your pets, but Pancake, our cat, is a bit of a messy eater. He is close to the floor, so food often falls there. As it’s getting closer to summertime, we’ve found this has attracted ants. I hate ants. So now, we have been cleaning up his food area every day so that ants don’t find the food they want! Kitty Cats Joy really helped us out with our clean-up, thanks to their personalized pet food mats, which come in a bunch of different designs for both cats and dogs!

Kitty Cats Joy, primarily aimed at cats, sells a lot of different cat-related products from throw pillows with great designs to stickers and prints! They also, of course, have a lovely selection of pet food mats too. You would start off with picking the general background print – we went with Space Galaxy Cats, as they looked so cool! There is also a paws version of the Space Galaxy design, as well as more subtle, yet still beautiful, mats for other cats. I’m sure you could sneak many of these out for your dog if you wanted too. Once you have picked your design, you can personalize it by picking out a font and choosing what pet’s name goes onto it. Your first pick will then be drafted and an image will be sent to you, so you can make sure it’s perfect or try out a different font. Its a very simple and nice process!

The mat itself feels to me, like a big mouse mat – which means it’s pretty easy to wash and shake off, so we can now easily move Pancake’s bowl, pick up the mat and shake anything loose into the bin. This is much easier then sweeping the area every time. The mat doesn’t slip around – even with smaller bowls on it and stays well in place. Our bowl normally doesn’t move, but we do sometimes put out other dishes of wet food – which do slip on our floor when Pancake is excited, and while having this mat, these have also stayed in place. It’s also just pretty cute, defining out the area Pancake takes to eat in. It’s perfect for pet owners who love to spoil their pet.

You can check out Kitty Cat Joy’s website one of these pet food mats and much more!

You can check out more of our reviews and recipes to do with our cat, Pancake, in his category.

4 thoughts on “Personalized Pet Food Mat | Review

  1. Britt K says:

    This looks like a great product! Anything that makes it easier to clean up after your cat is a win in my book… We love them, but they are a little messy sometimes, right? lol

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