A Day Out at Weald Country Park

Jupiter really loves deer. She grew up in a small town that had a lot of deer, deer hunting, and often just wild deer wandering about. As we have been going on more creative date nights, due to most things being shut, I surprised her with a trip to Weald Country Park – which ended up being so popular, that we went back with the kids. This time of year is when all of the deer are out, making it a perfect wintertime activity. Weald Country Park is free to enter – although if you park nearby you’ll need to pay for the car park – and contains a few different park areas, trails, a pond, deer and a cafe.

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A Day Out at Christmas Wonderland at Lakeside

When we heard that Winter Wonderland in London was cancelled this year, we were pretty sad. Dann and I always make a journey to the lovely Winter Wonderland, enjoying all of the foods, rides, and more. Despite it being cancelled, Christmas Wonderland is taking place at Lakeside, and although it isn’t as big, it does have ice skating! I love ice skating so much, it’s something I’ve always done. As a young kid, when ponds would freeze over, everyone would get their skates and ice skate along them, playing games of hockey or just hanging out. It’s a lovely time, so when Dann surprised me with the tickets to go ice skating, I was pretty pumped.

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A Day Out at Marsh Farm Halloween Festival

We returned to Marsh Farm, where we had previously gone to pick pumpkins, for their annual Halloween Festival – an impressive event which has a lot more going on than any of us expected.

Even though the days seem to be getting shorter, and the temperature keeps dropping, it’s more important than ever to make sure that you get out of the house when you can. We’d already travelled to pick pumpkins at Marsh Farm’s impressive Pumpkin Village earlier in the month, and while there we noticed that there was actually much more to the place than a village shop and extremely well laid-out and decorated pumpkin patch. We spotted an entryway reminiscent of theme park booths, and what looked like a carousel. We had to go back and see the whole thing – so we set a day aside and headed there on a quiet Sunday.

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A Day Out at Marsh Farm’s Pumpkin Picking Village

Looking for a pumpkin patch to find your Halloween Pumpkin is no small task. There are normally many, many pumpkin places around, but we wanted to explore something new! Jupiter found Marsh Farm’s Pumpkin Picking Village (and Halloween Festival) and was quite excited about it. It’s not too far from us by car, so we figured we’d all go after school and grab some pumpkins to carve up for our doorstep.

Arriving at the Pumpkin Picking Village, we were all impressed with the spooky barn that you have to enter through. Once in, you can put down a £5, refundable, deposit on a green wagon to take into the pumpkin area. We did get one of these as each of us were set on getting a decent sized pumpkin, as well as some smaller pumpkins, to decorate the house. Marsh Farm has set up their pumpkin village to be a great place to take photographs, as well as find the perfect pumpkin. There are a bunch of different types from nobbly ones to classic orange pumpkins, to white ghosts or spliced pumpkins (that had a few different squashes growing inside of other ones).

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A Day Out at Circus Fantasia

My eldest, Kai, saw the colourful posters around town and started asking about visiting the circus. Circus Fantasia, a traveling circus on it’s 8th year of show, was in our area for the week, with their new 2020 program. Jupiter had never been to a circus before, and when I had gone as a child, it was much too loud for my ears and I had a terrible time. Despite this, as Kai wanted to go, we set out to grab tickets up and spend the evening at Circus Fantasia.

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