Acting like a Kid at Bubble Planet

Sometimes, you see advertisements for places and you think that maybe, maybe it’s too good to be true. Lots of things are over hyped, and when we got to the outside of the warehouse that Bubble Planet is in, with a bunch of primarily toddlers going in, I thought “oh wow, I have made a mistake”. Bubble Planet is an immersive experience where you can sort of learn about spheres and bubbles, but primarily experience and play in bubble related rooms.

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Exploring the Harlow Open at Gibberd Gallery

As parents, we like to encourage all of our children’s interests. For Robin, that’s primarily gymnastics and playing guitar. For Kai it’s going to the gym and playing DnD, for Amelia, it’s arts and drumming. So, when our local art gallery announced the Harlow Open at Gibberd Gallery last year, we encouraged Amelia to pick out a photo and enter, though she didn’t make it in, she was mentioned and felt very proud of that! This year, she and Robin decided to do a painting.

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