The Upside Down Challenge is a funny kids game

The Upside Down Challenge

[Ad- gifted product] Summer Holiday is basically here, so we are looking for different ways to keep the kids entertained! One of the newest games that have entered our household is The Upside Down Challenge. This board game has a pair of goggles that make things appear upside down, and then it challenges you to do an activity with the glasses on, while everyone else watches. It’s a really funny, family friendly game!

I have glasses myself, so I do need to take off the glasses on my turn, but I am still able to see what is in front of me (or maybe, what is near me, depending on my angle) using the googles, so that’s worth noting. This board game comes with a bunch of tokens to count your score, a board the tokens came in that are used for some of the aspects of the game, some star tokens, challenge cards and a timer. It does require you to collect some items like; a spoon, a small ball made of paper, a pen, some paper with numbers on them in circles, cans, and a big ball of paper. The Upside Down Challenge has you taking a card off the top of the deck on your turn, and then starting that challenge.

Depending on your children’s level and ability, you can pick the super challenge (side with a barbell) and regular challenge (feather side). Robin and Amelia played primarily, with Kai trying out a few levels towards then end (though, he is in a bit of a teenager phase at the moment). Dann was unable to play as he wasn’t feeling the best, and when he put on the googles, it gave him a headache sadly. We do not think this has to do with the game though, as he’s had go’s since and enjoyed it. I did all of the hard challenges to earn my tokens! There is a good variety of activities, which means each turn you will e doing something different. These challenges saw the kids throwing balls into the game’s box, stacking different jars, drawing pictures that we needed to guess, and doing other strange things. It’s a really funny game! Watching someone try to do a basic task, while the timer is running down, and yet they can’t quite do it is really amusing. Robin and Amelia cheered each other on as they played.

The Upside Down Challenge feels like it can also be played in a less formal, tabletop manor, instead with the kids picking what activity they want to do and then just trying to do it. It’s a really different and entertaining game! Those upside down googles really do make the entire world look really different and make perspective hard, which is where most of the challenge comes in. The Upside Down Challenge will keep kids busy for quite some time, which is really great to have on the shelf for the summer!

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55 thoughts on “The Upside Down Challenge is a funny kids game

  1. Stephanie says:

    This sounds like a game my family would enjoy! We are halfway through our summer break and the kids are getting bored. This would be a great family game night and give them something new to play during the day.

  2. Talya Stone says:

    This looks like so much fun! And the perfect game to keep the kids entertained over the summer holidays (as well as the rest of the family!). I could see myself getting quite into this too…

  3. Rhian Westbury says:

    I bet the kids found this so much fun. It must be time to stock up on all the activities and things for the school holidays to keep the kids amused x

  4. Vickie Jackson says:

    This sounds like an awesome game. I know me, my kids and my other half would love to play this. It would be a game full of silly giggles!!

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