Travelling with your pets has become increasingly popular among owners. Some seek to include their furry companions in their adventures, others may make it their living by being a pet influencer, and some might otherwise just not be able to find alternatives at home. But whether it’s a road trip or a holiday abroad, the trend surely comes with both obvious advantages and challenges alike. If you’re thinking of taking your pawed friends along with you, then here are some nudges to help you make an informed decision about including them in your travel plans.
What are the Pros of Travelling with your Pets?
Bringing your pets along can enhance your travel experience by providing companionship and comfort. For many of us, having our cats or dogs or whichever lovely animal it is you call your friend nearby reduces stress and adds a sense of security, especially in unfamiliar places or if you’re travelling alone. After all, studies show that spending time with pets has positive effects on both mental and physical health (as if we didn’t already know that without the help of research, though!). It’s a fantastic opportunity to strengthen the bond between you, too. New experiences, nature, and cities can create lasting memories and deepen your relationship. Many parks, beaches, and accommodation options now cater to pets, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor adventures together, without having to be worried about animals not being welcomed.
Definitely check if your travel destination doesn’t have restrictions or if they require specific documentation for pets. Keep in mind that if your pet is an emotional support animal, they aren’t legally required to be allowed to stay with you in no-pet accomodations; however, some properties may accept your animal if you have an ESA letter and ask nicely. The means of travel are included in this, too. A lot of airlines are now able to take your pets on – and especially private jets are happy to take your dogs, cats, or whichever friend you’re taking with you, comfortably and caringly board. A good portion of your preparation should go into this, though!
Cons and Challenges that Come with Taking Them with You
Travelling with your furry friend in tow definitely requires more careful planning and consideration. You need to arrange pet-friendly accommodations, ensure compliance with travel regulations, and prepare for any unexpected situations that may arise. Your pets can also experience stress and discomfort during travel – just as we do – particularly if they are not accustomed to it. Long journeys, changes in routine, and exposure to new environments can impact their well-being massively. Bringing them can also incur additional costs, including transportation fees, pet charges, and potential veterinary expenses. Definitely check if your travel destination doesn’t have restrictions or if they require specific documentation for pets.
Okay, but what about the Pet’s Point of View?
While this outlook can be exciting for us as owners, we still need to consider the experience from the perspective of our pets first. Out cats in particular are known for their attachment to their home territory and routines. They may find travel stressful and disorientating, especially if they are not accustomed to it. Cats thrive in familiar environments and may struggle to adapt to the constant changes associated with travel.
Dogs, on the other hand, are generally a bit more adaptable to new experiences and environments. Many of them enjoy the opportunity to explore new places and spend quality time with their humans. Routine is still incredibly important, though, as is familiarity. Know and assess your pet’s temperament and comfort level before deciding to bring them along on a trip.
Always consider their needs and preferences. Bring familiar items such as their bedding, toys, and foods to help them feel more secure. Take frequent breaks during long journeys to allow them to stretch, exercise, and relieve themselves. Pay attention to signs of stress and discomfort, such as excessive panting, pacing, or hiding – and adjust your plans immediately.
Ultimately, the decision should always prioritise their welfare and happiness. While some cats and dogs may thrive when travelling with you, some might encounter fewer signs of distress and discomfort by utilising alternative arrangements, such as leaving them in the care of a trusted pet sitter. Never go in cold. Start small, start tiny, even, and see how your friend enjoys going on adventures with you.
Your breakdown of the pros and cons really helps in making an informed choice. It’s true, our pets’ comfort and happiness should always come first, but it’s heartening to know that with proper planning, they can enjoy the adventure as much as we do!
We try to take our dog with us wherever we go, we miss him too much otherwise!