Uh Oh Milo! The Gobbling Goblins | Review

Uh Oh Milo! The Gobbling Goblins

[Ad- gifted product] We’ve previously taken a look at Uh Oh Milo! The Impolite Imps and Uh Oh Milo! The Beastly Bogels and both have been very much enjoyed by the children. The third book in the series is now out, bringing Goblins into the mix! Uh Oh Milo! The Gobbling Goblins have no table manners! Each of the Uh Oh Milo! books take an aspect of bad manners and teach a lesson on how to correct them and why they are bad – perfect books for children who are starting school and should be learning their manners at that time.

These Gobbling Goblins don’t pay attention to other people when they are eating. They stick their fingers and nose into their food, they make a big mess and chew with their mouths open. Milo and his sister, Mary, realize what’s going on and get their grandmother, as always, to help. She uses her magic wand – and the kids use their magic cutlery – so that the goblins have a good example to follow and start to have perfect table manners.

We really enjoy the Uh Oh Milo! series – as all of these books have a lovely comic book style, full of colour and words that take up a single page, which have been very fun for my youngest to repeat loudly when she sees the pages! They are short stories, which are great for bedtime or for children to read on their own, and the length fits perfectly with the characters being able to change their habits and become better children.

Uh Oh Milo! The Gobbling Goblins is written by Kate Wogan, who took inspiration from her own children and the manners they need to learn in order to write the books up. She’s added fun mystical characters to showcase the negative behaviors, in hopes of helping children develop the behaviors they need before preschool in a fun way!

You can purchase Uh Oh Milo! The Gobbling Goblins.

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