[Ad- gifted product] Reading story books before bed is something we’ve made a habit of in our household. With that in mind, we have been finding more and more books with positive messages to read to the children. When Uh Oh Milo! The Impolite Imps arrived, we were excited to have a new and quite funny book on our shelf. This story book aims to start a discussion about manners in younger children and about influence from other people in slightly older children.

In Uh Oh Milo! The Impolite Imps, the imps have invaded their grandma’s house to spread some bad manners. Not saying please, making a mess, and trying to get the other children to misbehave is the goal of these creatures – but Grandma saves the day. After making a manners pie, which is then shared with the imps and children alike, she is able to restore normality and manners to the household while getting rid of those pesky imps.
This book does a good job of creating a bunch of really lovely, bright, and engaging images – which does help when little eyes get a bit tired. Each page looked visually exciting – some containing a huge word across two pages, comic-book styled, with a bunch of smoke and small graphics around it. The story has funny moments like referring to the imps burping and farting, while keeping a serious message that having manners is very important.

It’s a short book, something that younger kids could easily read on their own, and doesn’t take much time to read as an adult to the children. We really enjoyed the adventures of Milo and hope to hear of more of his adventures – the next book is Uh Oh Milo! The Beastly Bogels.