Baking with Wright’s Baking Scone Mix

Finished scones from Wright’s Baking Scone Mix

[Ad- gifted product] Every year, we go to Cammas Hall and pick some strawberries! All of our kids agree I make the very best homemade jam ever, and picking strawberries is always a fun start to creating jam. This year, we got enough strawberries for two entire jars of jam and decided we wanted to make some scones to go with them. The Wright’s Baking Scone Mix is a really simple and easy option when it comes to making scones.

Amelia has been enjoying baking on her own, and using Wright’s Baking Scone Mix, she can very easily follow the instructions on the back of the packet and create the scones without much help. I tend to just clean up and pull out ingredients or tools if she needs it. This mix only needed water and an egg (or you could use milk) as we were following the plain scone recipe, however there were two other recipes on the back of the mix suggesting a savory cheese scone or a fruit filled scone. We wanted to highlight the jam within our scones so left them to be plain, however I love that these mixes do show different ways to make them.

Amelia did an amazing job of measuring out the water and didn’t overmix the dough at all, which is very important when it comes to a soft scone. Once everything was combined, she rolled them out and picked a small star cutter to cut them out. Amelia wanted to make mini-scones, which would work perfect for breakfasts with the jam and some clotted cream. She had a little bit of trouble cutting out the stars, as the shape is a little tricky with sticky dough, and I showed her to put the cutter into flour before using it to cut the scones out. These then were placed on a pan and egg washed, to make a golden top.

The scones cooked up quickly and then we set them aside to cool before having them the next day! They turned out very soft and delicious, as expected. The jam and clotted cream were fantastic and we ate possibly far too many of them for breakfast. Wright’s Baking Scone Mix does a fantastic job of making scones easy to make, quick, and children friendly.

Check out some of our reviews!

15 thoughts on “Baking with Wright’s Baking Scone Mix

  1. Karen says:

    Sconessss yesssss….I love scones but I never baked them myself. I can’t wait to impress my mom lol…Thank you so much.

  2. Beth says:

    Well, this certainly makes things easier! I love the convenience of using a mix because I’ve always found scones a bit challenging.

  3. Yeah Lifestyle says:

    Love that you can get a scone mix. It just makes everything that little bit simpler with getting measurements right etc. It looks like the scones turned out well. Loving that you made the jam too!

  4. Lisa says:

    I never knew there was a scone mix. I usually make them from scratch but I’d like to try the ready made version too.

  5. Hari says:

    I am hearing about the Wright’s Baking Scone Mix for the first time and got to try it out. I am a cream on top and jam at the bottom club when it comes to preparing scones. What’s your preference?

  6. AJ says:

    These look delicious, love the shapes! Scones are actually one of the few things I’ve never attempted to bake before, but I need to try this easy, convenient way asap!

  7. Lavanda Michelle says:

    That’s fantastic! Wright’s Baking Scone Mix sounds perfect for Amelia’s baking adventures. Love that it offers versatile recipes and is so easy to use.

  8. Rhian scammell says:

    I love the idea of mini scones so if you just want something little you can still get the scone goodness. The stars are such a cute idea x

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