Family Dinner at Ole Rochester

While going to an event in Rochester, we wanted to go out for a nice meal! Dann got to picking a location, and as I had just gotten back from Madrid, he figured having a bunch of Spanish food would be fun. Dann’s grandmother is Spanish, so he had Spanish food growing up, however we don’t make much Spanish food and often don’t eat it. Dann excitedly selected Ole Rochester and it was a fantastic decision.


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Cards vs Gravity – Stacking, Falling, Fun

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to games that can be fun for all ages and travel well, Big Potato Games creates the best of the best. Cards vs Gravity is our latest look at one of their casual, fun, and travel friendly games that we were extremely excited to get our hands onto. This board game does require you to have a bottle to play. You can either use a glass bottle that can be empty or a plastic bottle that is at least half full of liquid.

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Family Dinner at Gonzos Tea Room

At the end of May, we celebrated our 5 year anniversary of being a family. Five years feels impossibly long, and we spent a lot of time this year reflecting on our lives. One of the things Dann and I wanted to do was re-visit our first family outing. You see, the first time we went out as a family unit, we went to the Norwich Gaming Festival and then had dinner at Gonzos Tea Room! At the time, Robin was so little that she didn’t really eat (nor does she remember much of it), where as Kai and Amelia had a very limited pallet. Going back with them being so much older was such a fantastic time and the food did not disappoint!

Chicken Wings at Gonzos Tea Room

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WE ARE PHOTO meet-up in Harlow Town Park

I have been tinkering around more with my camera, especially since picking up some new lenses! My favorite thing to take pictures of tends to be flowers, getting close up to their pedals when it comes to the morning walk to school or when out and about. I also quite like taking pictures of food, but that’s likely because I just love cooking too. I’ve had a lot of fun taking more pictures of my family as well, which I’ve been featuring around our blog.

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Sam Wu is NOT afraid of Ghosts at the Polka Theatre

[Ad- gifted experience] We were delighted to be invited back to the Polka Theatre, especially as Robin loves this place so much! If you aren’t aware, they have a massive rom for younger kids, which has costumes, a reading corner, coloring, block building on a magnetic board and other toys to play around with. This time, due to the lovely weather, the outdoor play park was also open, however we were pretty busy on the day and didn’t stick around to play this time. We did, however, have a fantastic time watching Sam Wu is NOT afraid of Ghosts.

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