[Ad- gifted product] Robin, like most children her age, is a fan of two things; plush toys and blind bags! The idea of possibly getting a rare and the hype of getting a mystery is something she very much enjoys. So, when we got these Deddy Bears – a new spooky toy range of soft, cuddly toys that are themed around spooky characters, she was super excited for them!
Waffles & More have opened up a branch in Harlow, and Dann really wanted to go there for his birthday! Not for the waffles and sweet treats, but for the “more”. You see, Waffles & More have a big sign outside about their upstairs arcade. On the first day they opened, Dann went up there and had a little sneak peak, and since has been trying to get someone, anyone to have a birthday party in their arcade.
Now that we are back from our holidays, it’s time to get back to cooking dinner! This week has been really lovely when it comes to cooking dinner. When school was in session, Kai was really interested in cooking dinner, but it sounded like that was due to his cooking class at school. During the holiday, he hadn’t shown much interest but there had also not been time for us to really cook together while on holiday, as we mostly ate out. This week, he looked at the menu board in the kitchen, and stated he wanted to cook specific dishes, so that he could learn them. This is great to see. Amelia and Robin have also been asking to cook, so it’s been all hands on in the kitchen.
[Ad- gifted product] Drinking water always feels like a touchy subject. Everyone feels you should drink more water, but it’s easier said then done. When it comes to our kids, they like water! Which is fantastic, but me and Dann, not so much. The water in our area is classified as Hard water and according to the ZeroWater chart and detected, we are in the orange area of water effected by salts, metals, pesticides, and other contaminants, which is surely not the best way to drink water.
While on holiday, we wanted to do a few activities that the children picked! One of the things that all three of them kept asking to do was go to a zoo. As we are a child-focused house, we looked up the local zoos (there were two) and picked the one that we felt was best – Exmoor Zoo. We went to Exmoor Zoo on a slightly overcast day, where the weather wasn’t very hot and there were a few drizzles of rain. The staff at the zoo said this was the best time to visit animals, as they wouldn’t be hiding from the sun and would be out getting fresh air – and they were right!