Cammas Hall is a place we do go from time to time, mainly to pick fruits. It’s local, always has great produce, and is just a fun day out for the family. This year, they are doing a special, ticketed, Halloween event – alongside a Corn Maize and their regular pick your own pumpkin patch. We wanted the full experience – so we grabbed the Halloween tickets and headed over.
These tickets basically allow you to go through a spooky trail, which is very children friendly. The area is covered over, so that it is a bit dark and a bit spooky. All along the trail, there has been spider webs, decorations and animatronics. If you walk slowly down, you will find brooms hidden among the branches, spider webs with big fake spiders in them, and areas that you can interact with. We ended up touching the dials on a TV and watching it come to life, claiming it was stealing my soul. Ghosts fly back and forth on the path, and otherwise there is just a lot to see and take in. Nothing at Cammas Hall is too scary – Robin, who is the youngest of our family, walked through it perfectly fine, only commenting on the spider that jumps out as being scary.