Getting your Home ready for Christmas

When it comes to Christmas time, that often means family coming to your house to visit. After last year, many people in England haven’t had family around for the holidays for two years! This means that you might be looking to get your house ready for the holidays, to ensure you have it presentable to impress your family. We have been spending the week decorating, updating, and getting our house ready – there is always so much to do. Hopefully, this post will help you get organised and ensure your home is Christmas ready!

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How to revamp your flooring on a budget

Much like your walls, your flooring is something you will always be looking at. They give your room specific vibes, and can be customised or changed to really change the feel of your room. There are lots of ways to re-do your flooring, but often it is seen as a very expensive action that is better left alone. In reality, there are plenty of different options to revamp your flooring in a way that will not break the bank. Changing your flooring up can revamp your flooring and feel of your room.

Deep Clean your Wood Floor or Carpet

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How to create a functional home office

As people are working from home more and more lately, there is the chance to create an office space – something that separates you from your home life and becomes your work life. This sort of balance and separation is needed to ensure you have a healthy life, but it can be hard to create a good, functional office out of the spare bedroom you’ve been filling up with stuff in your home. You might find it hard to start, especially if this room has acted like a storage room, taking on the projects you have half worked on during the last year. This article is going to tell you how to create a functional home office that you will enjoy being in, while it’s work time anyway.

Store Away Unneeded Items

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Pros and Cons of a Fixer-Upper

There are numerous ways to get on the property ladder. First time buyers in the jaw-droppingly expensive capital might go down the shared ownership property in London route, or perhaps they’ll look at buying a house that needs a lot of work doing to it (a ‘fixer-upper’). Fixer-uppers aren’t for the faint-hearted. Of course, houses that need work done to them vary from needing new flooring to needing an actual floor, but let’s have a look at some of the pros and cons of a fixer-upper. 

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5 Upgrades to make your home more eco-friendly

We live in a time when the fate of the world around us is often talked about and wondered about. It’s clear that there are some things we can do, on our own, to make the world last a little longer. Though, most of the faults are to corporations who make big decisions that seem to really damage our world, we can attempt to make our day to day lives more eco friendly and decrease our impact on the planet in our own way. Today, we are going to look at some upgrades that can be made, in order to make your home more eco-friendly. Eco friendly options often also help save money, so that’s always a plus too!

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