Land of Lights at Gulliver’s Land – Light Trail with Lanterns

We are always looking for more light trails in England, and with the sad closing of Lightopia, it’s a bit challenging to find a light trail that has lantern-styled lights. Many light trails have fantastic, large lights and lasers, but there is something magical about the massive lanterns! I was delighted to find that Land of Lights at Gulliver’s Land had a bunch of the lanterns from Lightopia, as well as completely new ones to create a wonderful light trail.

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Chewy Lemon Cookie Recipe – 12 Days of Christmas Cookies

Christmas cookies are just a part of the holiday season. We actually make cookie trays for our family and our local Pokemon Go Group for Christmas. There are tons of different holiday cookies out there, so a group of 12 bloggers got together to share their recipes! Hopefully these cookies get you into the baking spirit and you find the perfect Christmas Cookie to leave out for Santa.

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Spying the Riddles in Riddle Pics Foodcourt Frenzy

[Ad- gifted product] We tend to play board games on our bi-weekly Girls Night on Mondays at our local Geek Retreat, but this week we decided to go with something a little different. Instead of setting up a board game, we set up Riddle Pics Foodcourt Frenzy – one of the food riddle maps in Big Potato Games’ series of them. They’ve created a puzzle series where you build puzzles then find the riddles, but the Riddle Pics have a giant picture that you can then use to find lots of riddles.

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Discovering new snacks with the Sakuraco Snack Box

[Ad- gifted product] If you are a fan of snacks, there are a ton of different snack boxes that you can explore! The Sakuraco Snack Box is one that focuses less on colorful, candy filled snacks and instead focuses on more traditional Japanese snacks. This snack box also comes with some tea and a beautiful bowl or plate. It’s very adult feeling and could make a fantastic gift for those who really enjoy traditional snacks or snacks that go well with tea!

Savory Treats in the Sakuraco Snack Box

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An Explore at Markshall Estate Enlightened Light Trail

[Ad- gifted experience] Being December it’s the season for lots of things, but one thing that we always try to get along to during these colder Winter nights is light trails. Over the last few years we’ve visited loads and loads around the UK (and beyond) and that’s included a couple from events organiser Enlightened Moments. When we found out they were running another one, and not too far from us, we had to go, and so off we went to their newest installation at Markshall Estate, near Coggeshall in Essex.

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