Until recently, we only had a few plants on our window in the kitchen. An orchid Dann got me as a gift, a random plant we meant to gift to a friend but were a month early to their housewarming and small, stem-y plant that Dann picked up on a whim. We really enjoy these little plants, but have been looking for some more to fill other windows in our home. When it comes to plants for indoor gardening, we often don’t know, off the top of our head, what they are, how to look after them, or if they will get along with Pancake our cat.
Plants make Dann happy and I enjoy them too – bringing a little bit of freshness and outdoors indoors. When I saw Lazy Flora advertised on Instagram, I took a look at it. The company is new and focuses on sending a different plant, either indoor or outdoor, to your home each month. You can upgrade your plan to include a pot for the plant and you can also specify if you need pet friendly plants or if you don’t mind. We went for the pet friendly plants with the pots and subscribed for two months. We got a bonus Rubber Plant for signing up to their newsletter and also ordered a terrarium.
Month One, February
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