Teaching Children about Insects with Bright Minds

[Ad- gifted product] The sun is out, the birds are tweeting each day, and everything seems a bit warm and bright during the day. Now that the weather has gotten better, children are out playing outside, in nature. Bright Minds has tons of nature toys to help children better interact and even learn from the world around them – a much needed break from screens and always being in front of video games. Kai, actually, started playing a Roblox game all about becoming an ant and living in an ant colony. As he had this new fascination with ants, we wanted to bring that interest to the real world, so we decided to get Kai a starter ant farm. He’s quite excited about having a “proper” ant farm (IE, one with a queen ant) but those last for 30 years as an active farm, so we figured a starter farm would be better for him. To get ready to get ants, we actually picked up three items from Bright Minds.

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Battle the darkness with a T-Rex Head Torch

[Ad- gifted product] Darkness is something that most kids feel they are afraid of. Often, it’s just a phase, but dealing with fears can be a challenge, especially if your child really, really doesn’t like the dark. There can be a fear that somethign is hiding in the darkness or that the darkness is full of unknowns, which can be unsettling for children. Items like the T-Rex Head Torch can stop the fear of the dark, as it puts a child in control of a torch, that they don’t even need to hold.

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An Easy Beach Picnic with Higgidy Savory Food

[Ad- gifted product] Our family simply loves the beach. All three of the children come swimming with us, at least once a week, if not twice after school. The beach seems to be an extension of swimming – but instead of an indoor pool, there is the lovely, ever-changing ocean. Warm sand, birds, waves. They love going to the beach – and thankfully it’s not a very challenging day out for us to set up. We have a beach bag with all of the beach towels, sand toys, and sunscreen we could need. Often, however, we want to make a full day out of it, so we pack a little picnic. This time, that’s where Higgidy came in!

Higgidy is a brand of savory foods – think pies, quiche and sausage rolls, that you can purchase and take along to any sort of picnic. Their aim is to create good quality and yummy foods that can be easily made into a lunch or dinner, that doesn’t take too much effort. It’s not about cooking everything from scratch as an individual, and Higgidy looks to be a reliable place for families to get a quick, delicious and well made meal that won’t take ages to make from scratch. We’ve actually had a few of their vegan products before – enjoying their mushroom and miso rolls (they are so delicious!) quite a few times as a quick and simple lunch. For our picnic, we picked a bunch of different products from our local Tesco.

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Afternoon Tea with Cats at Whiskers & Cream Cat Cafe

It’s no secret that everyone in this home really loves cats and kittens! Pancake, our own cat, is quite spoiled with toys, attention, and treats. We decided to go out one day to the Whiskers & Cream cat cafe to hang out with some new cats while eating treats of our own. When booking to visit the cat cafe, you can either pay an admissions fee (which comes with a free drink) or book for afternoon tea, where there are a bunch of different menus for food options from vegan to children’s menus!

We decided to go for lunch, picking the normal afternoon tea for us adults and the children’s afternoon tea for the children, but let’s talk about the cats. There are 9 cats in Whiskers & Cream – and you are told about each of them. All of these cats have different personalities and like different toys. After being introduced to everyone (and having our food served) it was up to us if we wanted to snack or go play. The kids were able to talk to the staff to find out different cat’s favourite toys, before trying to play with them! Many of the cats were playful, Jasper being the biggest, loudest, and most excited cat.

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On the hunt for Cats vs Pickles plush toys | Review

[Ad- gifted product] Kai, Amelia and Robin do really love cats. We have two cats and a large mix of stuffed cats already, but when the kids got a hold of Cats vs Pickles, they were excited for the fantasy cats with all these different patterns. Kai had previously put on videos of cats doing funny things, so we already knew that cats were afraid of cucumbers. Cats vs Pickles, made by Cepia LLC, takes this concept – cats being afraid of cucumbers and thus afraid of pickles, and turns them into collectible, adorable cats with their own youtube show and mobile game!

Cats vs Pickles Toys

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